Absolutely True!

Sent in by Bretislav in the Czech Republic, spotted on cbc.ca

ST. JOHN'S – A woman who fell asleep on a flight to Newfoundland and wound up in England has been offered 15,000 bonus aeroplan miles by the airline. Air Canada apologized to Catherine Coyle late Monday and offered her the air miles for her troubles. The airline also said she was partly responsible for falling asleep on the 90-minute flight from Halifax to St. John's and not waking up on time. Last Thursday, the Cole Harbour, N.S., woman was on a flight to visit her ill mother. She fell asleep and woke up to hear the pilot announce a 4-hour flight time. The plane was half an hour out of St. John's heading for London. Coyle had apparently slept through the landing at St. John's and a 30-minute stopover before the flight for England. No one had tried to wake her up to check her ticket. The pilot refused to turn the plane around and she had to continue to Heathrow airport, where she waited two hours for a return flight.

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