This time round Mac discusses movies that could inspire you or him to go travelling:-
1. Outsourced (India) – see what happens when a US company outsources an entire department to India.
2. The Motorcycle Diaries (in Spanish I think with subtitles)…a dreamy, reflective view of Che Guevara’s formative travels across South America
3. Into the Wild – Its what most backpackers dream of doing and directed by Sean Penn
4. Under the Tuscan Sun – Hollywood’s take on Frances Mayes 1996 novel
5. Slumdog Millionaire What it is like to live in India, from the ground up, in the modern world…
6. Lost In Translation…with Bill Murray clashing cultures in Japan
7. Eurotrip – Makes you want to buy a one way ticket to see Europe from a graduate’s perspective…
8. Shanghai Kiss – After watching it you will want
to see China, again from a cross cultural graduate point of view.
9. City of God – Stories of life from very different perspectives in Rio De Janeiro Brazil
10. The Beach – set in Thailand, staring Leonardo Di Caprio
Whilst some are certainly down to personal choice, I suspect Mac has thrown enough thoughts into the proverbial hat, so that we can come up with our own ideas. What do you think – are Mac’s choices rotten tomatoes or Oscar winners ? Which films would you chose instead ?
The Ant