How We Ensure Your Credit Card Security
Our card payments are processed at our bank accredited payment processors secure site which uses SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) which insures that your credit card number is transmitted securely, every time. As you enter your credit card number, SSL encodes it so it is transmitted in a format that prevents data theft. Your card details go directly to our bank accredited payment processor and then to your bank, we do not store or have access to card details at any time. Once our bank accredited payment processors secure server receives your encoded credit card number, it not be transmitted over the internet again. Yes, even encryption can be broken, but it’s not easy. If your browser uses the short or 40-bit key, in theory your key can be broken by a knowledgeable person who has access to networks of workstation-class computers. If your browser is using a 128-bit key, then breaking the encryption would take longer than the age of the universe — even if you could harness all the computers in the world. That’s pretty secure!
The Risks to You
Forget the Internet for a moment. When you give someone your name and credit card over the phone or in person, you run two risks. These risks are:
- The person receiving the card could copy your card number and name and use that information fraudulently.
- Another person could overhear or find your card number and name – say in a trash can of carbons – and use it fraudulently.
When you send your credit card over the Internet, you run LESS of a risk than when you read it over the phone to a mail order company, or hand it to a waiter in a restaurant. Why?
- Because we don’t use carbons.
- We don’t write your information down.
- We don’t repeat your number aloud in a room full of telemarketers.
You enter your data and it goes directly to our our bank accredited payment processor. So paying online with a credit card has no more risk than paying in person.
What if Someone DOES Get Your Name and Card Number?
As a consumer you can challenge any debit on your card and the card provider (Visa, MasterCard,etc) will take things in your favour, it’s up to the merchant to prove the purchase is valid. We hope this helps to reassure you.