I arrived in this city in January 2016 just after heavy snowstorms in the area had resulted in many days of cancelled flights. I stayed in a backpacker hostel which had this artwork (below, left) on one of the walls. The name of the city means ‘brotherly love’ in Greek and it is famous for its steaks and street food which includes ‘hoggies’ and ’scrapple’. An eponymous 1993 film was set here and it is also featured heavily in a series of films about a boxing champion who trains on the steps behind this statue (below, right). So, where on earth am I?

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The competition has now closed.
Before the closing date of 31st May 2018.
The winner will be drawn from all the correct entries.

Congratulations to Jens Stiller from Germany who correctly identified the location of the last picture quiz as San Marino. Most entrants got the answer right but there were a few wrong guesses including Liechtenstein, Monaco and Andorra. Jens was drawn at random from all the correct entries and he wins a year’s membership of the Globetrotters Club. He happened to have visited the Republic shortly before sending in his answer and included a couple of pictures with his entry, one of which you can see here.