Globetrotters in Chester

Hello to all Globetrotters,
We are slowly moving towards the later part of the year and our last meeting of the year for November. Hopefully you all are still keeping well and making the best of the situation!
Unfortunately our November meeting is again not going ahead as the rules for meeting in groups with Covid 19 have not changed.
We had two lovely speakers lined up for November, Paul Gillingham would have started the meeting with a talk about traveling on his bicycle ‘Crossing Spain the Roman Way’, and after the break David Redford had a ‘Travel Quiz’ lined up for us to complete the last meeting for 2020!
Doors open 1pm for 1:30pm Start till 4:30pm Entrance Fee £3.00 includes refreshments and two talks Grosvenor Museum 25-27 Grosvenor Street, CH1 2DD Enquiries to Hanna tel: 01244383392 or Angela tel: 01244 629930