For information on Ontario meetings, please contact Svatka: or Bruce: at Meetings and travel presentations are held on the 3rd Friday in January, March, May (4th Friday), September and November at 8.00 p.m. at Old York Tower, 85 The Esplanade ( corner of the Esplanade & Church St.) – two blocks east of the Union station. A public parking garage is at the foot of Church Street right next to the Old York Tower.
Future Presentations on Fri., Jan. 17, 2020; Mar. 19, May 22 TBA Mark your calendars. Tentative topics not yet scheduled:
“Nepal, Bhutan, and the “Gross National Happiness” by Bruce Weber and Graham Mudge
“America Southwest” or “Iceland” or “United Arab Emirates” or “SW Australia” or “Maui” or “Los Angeles” by Dejan Ristic.
“Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau – 50 Years Later…and Nothing is the Same!!!” by Bruce Weber.
What else? Volunteers please?
For information on Ontario meetings, please contact Svatka: or Bruce: at Meetings and travel presentations are held on the 3rd Friday in January, March, May (4th Friday), September and November at 8.00 p.m. at Old York Tower, 85 The Esplanade ( corner of the Esplanade & Church St.) – two blocks east of the Union station. A public parking garage is at the foot of Church Street right next to the Old York Tower.
Friendship Force Toronto members may be particularly interested as we do a travel exchange there in 2020
Future Presentations on Fri., Nov. 15; Jan. 17, 2020; Mar. 19 TBA
Mark your calendars.
Austin Zhao will present North Korea as soon as University pressures ease a bit. Newcomers Dino and Loretta have offered to present Croatia.
Travel notes: Bruce and Ken Wallace did Boston Aug. 27-Sept. 2. Friendship Force Toronto to Winnipeg, Brandon, Calgary, and Penticton Sept. 23-Oct. 9.Bruce, Graham Mudge and 2 others to Nepal and Bhutan Oct. 14-31. Cuba beckons during cheap November/early December. Where have you been?
For information on Ontario meetings, please contact Svatka: or Bruce: at Meetings and travel presentations are held on the 3rd Friday in January, March, May (4th Friday), September and November at 8.00 p.m. at Old York Tower, 85 The Esplanade ( corner of the Esplanade & Church St.) – two blocks east of the Union station. A public parking garage is at the foot of Church Street right next to the Old York Tower.
Sun., Aug. 25; 2:30 p.m. at 3 Oneida Ave., Toronto Island
Happy Summer. And at last the flood waters are receding! Come on to the Picnic at my place–3 Oneida Ave., Toronto Island. Pot luck-manageable items. Help me to get the rowboat and canoe into the water.
at Bruce Weber’s, 3 Oneida Ave.
Algonquin Island. Take the ferry to “Ward’s Island”
(Get your tickets on-line to avoid line ups.)
Pedicab, rowboat, canoe available.
Potluck: manageable items. Picnic 2017
…Anna’s world quiz
Mark your calendars. Future Presentations:
Friday, Sept. 20; (tentative – Austin Zhao presents “An Excursion into North Korea”
Friday Nov. 15;
Friday, Jan. 17, 2020
For information on Ontario meetings, please contact Svatka: or Bruce: at Meetings and travel presentations are held on the 3rd Friday in January, March, May (4th Friday), September and November at 8.00 p.m. at Old York Tower, 85 The Esplanade ( corner of the Esplanade & Church St.) – two blocks east of the Union station. A public parking garage is at the foot of Church Street right next to the Old York Tower.
For information on Ontario meetings, please contact Svatka: or Bruce: at Meetings and travel presentations are held on the 3rd Friday in January, March, May (4th Friday), September and November at 8.00 p.m. at Old York Tower, 85 The Esplanade ( corner of the Esplanade & Church St.) – two blocks east of the Union station. A public parking garage is at the foot of Church Street right next to the Old York Tower.
Alex Rice and Francyne Charland present “Visiting in Greece”
For information on Ontario meetings, please contact Svatka: or Bruce: at Meetings and travel presentations are held on the 3rd Friday in January, March, May (4th Friday), September and November at 8.00 p.m. at Old York Tower, 85 The Esplanade ( corner of the Esplanade & Church St.) – two blocks east of the Union station. A public parking garage is at the foot of Church Street right next to the Old York Tower.
Dr. John Murnaghan presents “Orthopaedics in Wenzhou, China” and Junwei Quan presents “Hainan and Hunan, China”.
For information on Ontario meetings, please contact Svatka: or Bruce: at Meetings and travel presentations are held on the 3rd Friday in January, March, May (4th Friday), September and November at 8.00 p.m. at Old York Tower, 85 The Esplanade ( corner of the Esplanade & Church St.) – two blocks east of the Union station. A public parking garage is at the foot of Church Street right next to the Old York Tower.
“France, Spain, & Portugal” by Jane H. and Martin ter Woort
For information on Ontario meetings, please contact Svatka : or Bruce : / tel. 416-203-0911. Meetings and travel presentations are held on the 3rd Friday in January, March, May (4th Friday), September and November at 8.00 p.m at Old York Tower, 85 The Esplanade ( corner of the Esplanade & Church St.) – two blocks east of the Union station. Public parking garage is at the foot of Church Street right next to the Old York Tower.
“What I Did on My Summer Vacation” by Bruce Weber and others. Please bring along a flash drive with some slides of any recent travels, etc. (Sampler of Chicago, Manitoulin, The Bruce, Hong Kong, etc.)
Toronto G.T.’s Summer vacation
For information on Ontario meetings, please contact Svatka : or Bruce : / tel. 416-203-0911. Meetings and travel presentations are held on the 3rd Friday in January, March, May (4th Friday), September and November at 8.00 p.m at Old York Tower, 85 The Esplanade ( corner of the Esplanade & Church St.) – two blocks east of the Union station. Public parking garage is at the foot of Church Street right next to the Old York Tower.
Alex Rice and Francyne Charland will present their recent trip to Vietnam “A Vietnam Sampler”–with Alex’s excellent photography.
Toronto GTs meeting Friday May 25 2018
Our Buffalo friends, Linda Schmieder and Jay Wopperer have offered their Youngstown, N.Y. house for our summer picnic. Some overnight accommodation could be provided. Is this possible or too many problems crossing the border? Will discuss at the meeting.
For information on Ontario meetings, please contact Svatka : or Bruce : / tel. 416-203-0911. Meetings and travel presentations are held on the 3rd Friday in January, March, May (4th Friday), September and November at 8.00 p.m at Old York Tower, 85 The Esplanade ( corner of the Esplanade & Church St.) – two blocks east of the Union station. Public parking garage is at the foot of Church Street right next to the Old York Tower.