Tag Archives: May 2004

Harry Potter Movie Locations in the UK

The success of the Harry Potter films has resulted in a spate of tour operators organising tours of Harry Potter film locations – and don’t forget there’s a third Harry Potter film coming out in June 2004. There’s no reason why you cannot see some of these locations yourself without joining a tour. Here is where some of Harry Potter’s movie locations can be found:

Hogwarts school was shot in and around Lacock Abbey with some additional computer graphics to add to the mystery. Some of the scenes in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, the third soon to be released movie were shot around the narrow streets and stalls of south London’s Borough Market – a favourite movie set where much of Bridgit Jones was filmed.

Platform 9-¾ was filmed at London’s main line station, King’s Cross between platforms 4 and 5. This is where Hogwarts students catch the train to Hogwarts boarding school. These days you will see, as the Beetle did the other day, a simple Platform 9-¾ sign hanging on a brick wall in a corner of the station. The adjoining railway station, the Gothic-style St. Pancras, was used for exterior shots. Australia House in central London provides the façade for Gringott’s Bank.

Various sites around Oxford were used in the first two films. Christchurch College was a model for the Hogwarts dining hall. Parts of the Bodleian Library were used for Hogwarts school scenes (the Divinity School as the Hogwarts hospital wing; Duke Humfrey’s Library as the Hogwarts library. The cloister and other parts of 900 year old Gloucester Cathedral were used in Hogwarts scenes. Up in the north east of England, the exterior of Alnwick Castle was used for Hogwarts’ Quidditch games and flying classes.

  • The British tourist office can provide information, including a map of some Harry Potter film locations (0800-462-2748) or go to www.travelbritain.org/moviemap).
  • Warner Brothers’ official Harry Potter movie site has previews and more: www.harrypotter.com.
  • The BBC has Web pages with useful information and photos on Harry Potter sets, including Lacock, Oxford and Gloucester. See: www.bbc.co.uk/oxford/harry_potter/index.shtml

So You Think You.re Well Travelled?

Here’s a little Beetle quiz based on capital cities. See how many you get right! Go on, have a guess!

What is the capital city of the following countries:

  1. Botswana
  2. Gabon
  3. Armenia
  4. Turkey
  5. Norway

For the answers, see at the end of the e-newsletter.

Security Breached by Stripper

A drunken woman looking for a place to sleep slipped past security and onto an aircraft at Aberdeen Airport in Scotland where she dozed unnoticed for several hours, sparking a review of security.

BAA, the airports owners, said that it had launched a full investigation after the woman — reported by a newspaper to be a scantily clad stripper — scaled a fence and boarded a private jet. A UK tabloid said that 22 year old Soraya Wilson was discovered eight hours after she passed out in the plane’s cockpit. She is reported to have said: “I don’t know who was more embarrassed when they found me, the security men or me, because I was just wearing my knickers and a little top when I woke up.”.

Meeting News from New York

JUNE 5th, Amy Gissen talked about Cambodia and Thailand. There will be no New York Meetings in July and August, but we are planning a new format for the Fall, so stay tuned!

For details of forthcoming meetings email newyork@globetrotters.co.uk or register for email updates, click here at our website.

New York meetings are held at The Wings Theatre, 154 Christopher Street (btw Greenwich St and Washington St ), to the right of Crunch Fitness, in the Archive on the first Saturday of each month at 4 pm. Admission: $8.00 for members and $10.00 for non-members.

International Summer Music Village

If you are in London in June/July you might want to check these events out, you can get free tickets from culturalco-operation.org, Cultural Co-operation is an independent arts charity that promotes cross-cultural contact, dialogue and understanding. Their main activity is the international summer Music Village, Europe’s longest running festival of world culture.

New EU Member States from 1st May 2004

If you ever wondered which European countries were joining the European Union this year, look no further, for here is a list:

Country Accession Date Population (mil) Area (km2)
Cyprus 2004 0,728 9’251
Czech Republic 2004 10,3 78’866
Estonia 2004 1,37 45’227
Hungary 2004 10 93’036
Latvia 2004 2,37 64’589
Lithuania 2004 3,7 65’300
Malta 2004 0,39 316
Poland 2004 38,65 312’685
Slovakia 2004 5,4 49’035
Slovenia 2004 1,99 20’253
Total 74,898 738’558

Travel industry experts say that small central European countries joining the European Union on May 1 are unlikely to lose their identity as visitors flood in. The concerns increased following an announcement by low-cost airline easyJet earlier in the year that it will start flights to the Slovenian capital Ljublijana. “It is a viable worry,” Frances Tuke, of the Association of British Travel Agents, told CNN. “There is always some concern over any new travel destination that is poorer than the origin of its tourists.” And Matthew Mavir, boss of lastnightoffreedom.com, a stag and hen weekend package supplier, warned that Ljublijana could easily lose its identity as the big tour operators move in. “It has happened with Prague and Dublin, so there is a definite danger,” Mavir said. “The more money you can save on a low-cost flight to these places, the more you have to spend on beer and going out.” easyJet’s spokeswoman refuted this saying: “That is unfair: easyJet carries a whole range of people from all walks of life, from students to lords and ladies.” A spokeswoman from the Slovenian Tourist Board in London said that Ljublijana attracted a sophisticated sector of the market that would appreciate its charms. “Hotels in the city are still expensive,” she said.

Have you got a tale to tell?

If you have a travellers tale that your aching to tell. Then why not visit the “Travel Sized Bites” section of the Website and share it with the world. Travel Sized Bites

10 Dumbest Questions Asked by Cruise Passengers

Spotted by our webmaster:

1. Does the crew sleep onboard?

2. What time is the midnight buffet?

3. Which elevator takes me to the front of the ship?

4. Do you generate your own electricity?

5. Is this island totally surrounded by water?

6. Is the water in the toilet salt or fresh?

7. What language do they speak in Alaska?

8. What do you do with the ice carvings after they melt?

9. How high above sea level are we?

10. How do we know which pictures are ours?

Meeting News from Ontario

For information on Ontario meetings, please contact Svatka Hermanek: shermanek@schulich.yorku.ca or Bruce Weber: tel. 416-203-0911 or Paul Webb: tel. 416-694-8259.

Meetings are held on the third Friday of January, March, May, September and November. Usually at the Woodsworth Co-op, Penthouse, 133, Wilton Street in downtown Toronto at 8.00 p.m.

MTV show "True Life: I'm Backpacking in Europe"

MTV are looking for people who are planning to backpack around Europe this summer. If you are interested, see: and would like to be on the MTV show “True Life: I’m Backpacking in Europe” www.EuropeBackpack.com.

Letter from Cascais, Portugal by Sally

I’m writing this as we turn into Spring. The weather is on the turn now. Each day you can feel it getting slightly warmer, although it does still get a bit nippy at night. A couple of Saturdays ago my friend Joao came over from Lisbon and we had a late lunch sitting by the sea enjoying the sunshine and the following day I drove up to Ericeira to meet up with my friend Vanessa to visit Mafra market.

I left home about 9.00 and had a fabulous drive up the coast. Everywhere is so green at the moment and the blossom is starting to come out. Even the badly burnt areas around Mafra have changed colour. All the allotment areas are a vision of freshly turned earth and newly planted vegetables. The locals were all out along the roadside with their little tables selling bags of potatoes, onions, turnips, garlic, bread, chorizo etc etc. This is quite a common sight at weekends and in some places you can buy beautiful bunches of flowers. There is a lovely miniature village on the outskirts of Ericeira and opposite it is an area just devoted to vegetables and fresh bread. The miniature village also does a mean doughnut – always worth a stop!

We set off to explore further up the coast towards Peniche. It was lovely to see new parts of the country. The coastline is very beautiful and the villages and little towns quite fascinating. Some are still very traditional and quaint but spoilt by seventies infill building. We also passed a very amusing Vespa rally. This consisted of about 80 different coloured Vespas of varying ages, driven by young, middle-aged and old bikers!

Then, of course, lunch beckoned. The previous weekend Vanessa had been to a restaurant that she said was amazing so we tootled off back towards Ericeira looking for the village. We found it quite easily but then had to ask directions to the restaurant. She said that the road went from tarmac to rough but when the rough started it was something else. Basically the road ran out at the edge of a cliff. I sort of sat there dumbstruck and she offered to drive – I gratefully accepted. The access to this restaurant is down a rough three-quarter size track with a direct drop into the ocean and has about three hairpin bends in it! She managed perfectly of course. It’s me – I hate heights and can’t swim, so that combination was a guarantee of a panic!

The place was fantastic. It’s on the edge of the cliff with views out over the Atlantic (next coastline the USA). It is run by fishermen so the fish is chucked up the cliff and straight into the kitchen. It has three dining rooms and by the time we left at about 1.30 the place was packed out. Because we were early (12.10) we managed to get a table for two by the window. The majority of the tables were already set up for families with bread, olives, pasteis (home made mixed fish ones) and varying sizes of big saucepans containing caldeirada (a wonderful Portuguese fish stew). There was a daily fish menu but they also did meat dishes. The kitchen was open to view and the chef is a fisherman himself.

Vanessa had a half portion (a full portion can feed three) of mixed fried cuttlefish and manta ray which was served with tomato and black bean rice and chips in small chunks; I had a skewer of monkfish with prawns with a salad. We had a local bottle of fabulous white wine and the total bill was 21 euros (approximately £14). Can’t wait to go again but only if Vanessa will drive down the cliff!

Eventually made it to Mafra market. It’s a good market with the usual stalls of T-shirts, jeans, bedding, household goods, baskets, materials, sunglasses etc. The underwear stall was selling bras and knickers at 2 euros a piece! And good quality too. It was a very windy day so the stallholders were desperately holding things down with the nearest available stone. The market is held in front of the Mafra Palace which makes it a rather good setting. The olives they sell on Cascais market are beautiful. I bought some big black ones (€2.70 a kilo) and marinated them in garlic, olive oil, Italian seasoning and chilli flakes.

S Korea Train

South Korea has just launched its new bullet train service which travels at 300 kph (185 mph. The Korea Train Express will nearly halve the near five-hour trip, by conventional train, from Seoul to Korea’s second biggest city, Busan, in the southeast. A spur line connects the city of Mokpo in the southwest. After years of delay, the KTX is finally coming online when neighbouring China has built a high-speed Maglev train in Shanghai. Riding on a cushion of air and driven by magnetic fields, that train tops 430 kph as the world’s fastest. The government says that some day, the KTX will be a vital link to train services in China and even the trans-Siberia railway. However, before this happens, North Korea will have to cooperate to have tracks across its borders.

Meeting News from Texas

The next meeting is on July 10th, mark your calendars now!

The Texas Branch of the Globetrotters Club meet at the New Braunfels Public Library, the meeting begins at 2 P.M. As always, there will be time for sharing and networking.

Come early so you won’t be late!
Enjoy Handouts, travel talk time, and door prizes!

For more information about the Texas Branch: please contact texas@globetrotters.co.uk or register for email updates at our website (click here) or call Christina at 830-620-5482

If anybody would like to enquire about meetings or help Christina, please contact her on: texas@globetrotters.co.uk

Fave Website

Take a look at modern day adventurer John Pilkington’s website. In this, you can see details of the latest and most exciting of John’s journeys which took him up the world’s twelfth longest river from the South China Sea to Tibet and beyond. Starting among the rice paddies of Vietnam, he made his way via Cambodia, Thailand, Laos and Burma and through the gorges of China’s Yunnan province, meeting river-people of seven nationalities along the way. In a climax to the trip, he and two Tibetans reached the glacier on Mount Guosongmucha, north of Tibet, where the Mekong rises at over 17,000 feet.

Flag Quiz

Which countries are represented by these flags? For the answers, see at the end of the e-news.

Which county is represented by this flag Which county is represented by this flag Which county is represented by this flag Which county is represented by this flag Which county is represented by this flag

Train from Vienna Airport to the Centre

It is now possible to take a train from Vienna airport to Wien-Mitte train station. The journey takes 16 minutes and runs every thirty minutes. Single tickets cost 8 euros and return tickets cost 15 euros. This makes life a lot easier to get to and from the airport. You can also buy a ticket on-line: Vienna city airport train_

Write for the Globetrotters monthly e-newsletter

If you enjoy writing, enjoy travelling, why not write for the free monthly Globetrotters e-newsletter! The Beetle would love to hear from you: your travel stories, anecdotes, jokes, questions, hints and tips, or your hometown or somewhere of special interest to you. Over 8,000 people currently subscribe to the Globetrotter e-news.

To see your story in cyber print, e-mail the Beetle with your travel experiences, hints and tips or questions up to 750 words, together with a couple of sentences about yourself and a contact e-mail address to Beetle@globetrotters.co.uk

Pilot Falls Asleep

A pilot for Japan’s All Nippon Airways fell asleep at the controls for several minutes while on a domestic flight and had to be awakened by a government inspector who was travelling in the cockpit. An official from the Transport Ministry, who was in the cockpit for a routine inspection, woke the pilot after he fell asleep as the plane was cruising at 12,000 metres (36,000 feet), but he dozed off again and had to be awakened a second time. “He was asleep for two or three minutes,” the spokesman said. The spokesman said there was no danger to passengers since the plane was on auto-pilot and the co-pilot was also present. The pilot, who has been suspended, is undergoing medical tests.

Mac.s Travel Tips

We are sorry to say that Mac is not very well, but he is still e-mailing strong and recently sent the Beetle a collection of Mac reminiscences about some of his travels in 1992. Here we have thoughts and experiences on India.

Vasco De Gama, Goa, India 14 Jan 1992. Got on narrow gauge train at 830PM and arrived at Mirji Junction at 5AM where I was to change for a wide gauge train to Delhi at 7AM. They put a notice on board in station what train car you are suppose to go on and what berth. My name was not on the list although I had made a reservation. Sometimes they would have my name as Wilfred (my first name) as last name and no reservation under either my first, middle or last name. I then looked for the number 67 (my age then.) They put your age beside your name so all India now knows my age. There was not even a number lucky 67 number. The station supervisor was not worried. He said the conductor would know even if my name was not there and to get in berth A5 if no one was in this berth. This was not First Class which my ticket was, but second class air conditioned sleeper which I had found I already preferred to First Class.

They gave me a side bed without curtain (all others had) and it is door where everyone passes. It is like laying on display in Lenin’s Tomb with a continual parade of people going through door and looking at me in surprise. Ha! It turned out though to be a good way to meet people as many asked me where I was from and asked me to visit them if I passed through their city. I met the High Sheriff of Calcutta this way, a lady Indian architect (unusual) and a Indian Army Officer that later showed me all around Agra on his motorcycle.

Kalismer India. Got a haircut and shave in a hole in a wall barber shop that was just wide enough for a barber chair and with a mirror in front of you and a mirror in back of you. You could see what the barber was doing to the back of your head. What a good idea. Barber spent ten minutes lathering and brushing my face and then shaved it. It was so cheap that I had him do it a second time! 5 rupees (twenty cents.) Haircut was 10 rupees (forty cents) Getting a shave and haircut in India was like it used to be in Japan with lots of attention and I like that.

At the YMCA hotel in New Delhi they gave you a card with address, phone number, your room number and on its back a map of city showing location of your hotel. Great Idea.

30 Jan 1992 in New Delhi, India. If in Delhi, try to be there around the 26 Jan for their national day. Parades with decorated Elephants, colourful pageants etc.) When I ordered eggs fried sunny side up this morning they did not understand sunny side up. An Indian said I should have said eggs Bulls eye if I wanted them sunny side up.

The huge Jain Mosque, the largest in India in Old Delhi has souvenir stands in front selling pictures of Saddam Hussein (whatever happened to him??) of Iraq. No pictures of Bush or me.

In the First Class waiting room in Old Delhi train station (there is an Old Delhi Train Station and a New Delhi Train Station (different trains to different destinations leave from each and they are quite aways apart. Both of them are old and I am usually at the wrong one. A well dressed Indian came up to me in the 1st Class waiting room with a porter (coolie) (they do call them coolies) carrying his luggage (brand new) on his head (on the coolies head.) He spoke to me and asked where I was from. He had just came from one of the Arab States (Qatar) where he had worked as an engineer for several years. When I mentioned about the mosque having pictures of Saddam Hussein for sale outside the mosque and that I had heard there was a bar in Dubai that was serving both sides at the same time (Iraqis, Iranians off ships and American servicemen at the same time to the surprise of both sides he said he was not surprised that the Iraq Embassy in Bahrain was open all during the 1992 Gulf War. I didn’t think Iraqis or Iranians Moslems drank but some do. This bar was Ponchos, was a Mexican style bar, very popular with foreigners living in Dubai and one time a ship had been torpedoed and those rescued and the torpeaders were in bar at the same time !) Dubai evidently allows or looks the other way at some practices that other Arab countries don’t allow.

In Indian train station waiting rooms I would sometimes lay my silver space blanket down on the floor and sleep using my belongings as a pillow. If I had to go to the toilet I would sometimes ask an Indian lady if one was there (although I think they had separate rooms for women only if they desired) to look after my stuff. I found Indian women were flattered if you talked to them as a human being and they were very good at giving information and looking after ones stuff and one. It was just me sleeping on the floor many others did too. Instead of getting up early at your lodging for an early train I would sleep that night in the waiting room as did many Indians.

The Indian engineer said they had fantastic lotteries in Dubai. They will deliver the prizes anyplace in the world. Luxury cars, lotteries for apartments in London and Washington, D.C. etc. Fantastic duty fee shops and Dubai is a world of luxury. Qatar is one of the richest countries in the world (Kuwait used to be)

I was in India several times using Indian Rail Pass. You were not questioned about sleeping in 1st class if you had a rail pass. Besides the waiting rooms some of the train stations had accommodations (with beds, mosquito knits etc ) nearby Arriving in Calcutta at an ungodly hour I slept in these accommodations one time rather than try to make it outside that early.

India is interesting.

And on a parting note: The National Geographic Traveller for April 2004 has a very good article on the Rajasthan section of India. To me that is the most exotic part of India. I found this comment amusing. “If you find the sometimes less than spotless conditions in India up setting try pretending you’re British. The British don’t mind a little dirt,” a resident of Jaipur commented. “They look on it as part of the adventure” Me: if my British friends at the Globetrotters Club want to sue National Geographic, I can get them a good lawyer! Another comment was that if someone in India puts a garland of flowers around your neck you are supposed after a few minutes to take the garland off and carry it in your hand to show that you are humble. I wore mine for days. No wonder India asked me to leave!

If you would like to contact Mac, he is happy to answer e-mails: macsan400@yahoo.com

JFK Baggage Handlers Busted

Police have busted a gang who used their jobs as baggage handlers at New York’s John F Kennedy Airport to avoid inspection of mail bags filled with cocaine and transported on commercial planes from South America. Police officers officials announced that detectives arrested 13 people and seized USD$400,000, five vehicles, three guns and 110 pounds (50 kg) of cocaine in a series of raids. They were part of a drug trafficking and distribution ring believed to have sold more than 1,300 pounds (600 kg) of cocaine a year in New York with a street value of USD$75 million. Last November, 23 mostly airport employees in the New York area were arrested on charges of conspiracy to smuggle tens of millions of dollars of cocaine and marijuana into the country on international cargo and passenger flights. Cocaine was bought in Guyana in South America and sent to New York on commercial airliners. The members of the gang who worked as baggage handlers circumvented inspection of mail bags containing the cocaine. Profits from the gang’s cocaine sales were returned to Guyana where other gang members laundered the cash.