Early November. I need WARMTH and SUN. Flights to Malaga are cheap, temperature check on the web – 22-23°C, comfortable for walking. SO I decided on Andalusia. No, I don’t speak Spanish but I am happy to travel alone and try and chat to people as I go along.
On arrival at Malaga it was T-shirt weather. It was great to feel the sun on my face, quietly sipping coffee and chilling out. Just the job: I decided to head to Granada the next day, and, being typically British, wondered about the weather: would it be too cold, Granada nestling under the mountains. What a lovely city! No problem with the weather or so I thought!! After a lovely day, as the evening closed I could physically feel the temperature dropping by degrees.
Later that night, I shivered under 5 layers of blankets and dare not move off the small patch I had managed to warm as the sheets were like ice. Next day I set off early to visit the Alhambra. It was cold but that meant that it wasn’t busy, giving me plenty of opportunity to absorb the beautiful architecture and the ornate decoration. On my return I begged for a heater for my room `but heaters aren’t supplied until the 15th of November (shades of Faulty Tower’s – the Beetle!) – oh yes they are!
The view of the mountains from the station next day was very picturesque, all covered in snow! I headed away from the mountains – Seville had to be warmer – but passing a digital display confirmed my worst fears, one o’clock in the afternoon and only 10°. I found a spot out of the bitter wind and actually got warm but you can’t see a city sitting down unless you are cooped up in a vehicle – not my scene. I like to walk, explore and discover the unexpected. Things got worse: the skin on my feet started to crack up and the next day not only did I have sore, bleeding feet but also a sore throat. I persevered.
After a day of sun but little warmth I decided to head south to Jerez the next day. I spent ages looking for the tourist office that I located after tramping through most of the streets and seeking directions from half of the residents. Please note that it is not where the Lonely Planet or the road signs say. They have moved it away from the centre and kept it a secret from the locals! All I wanted was bus routes! After visiting stables and watching the magnificent Andalucian horses being put through their paces I could walk no further so found a bench in the sun and escaped into fantasy with Harry Potter, supplied by a very thoughtful friend.
That night my nose turned into a tap and I shook from head to feet as my cold took it course. It was no good I wanted to go home so next day I headed, defeated, back to Malaga to try and get an earlier flight. There was nothing till the following morning so I got a room near the station ready for a 6am start. Hi Ho. This trip had definitely been jinxed. That evening they decided to knock down the corridor around my room. I do not speak Spanish but I think they got the idea of what I was saying!!! How could my timing be so bad, hitting the week when all Europe was hit by abnormal and extreme weather conditions. Needless to say, on arriving back at Gatwick it was a pleasant sunny autumn day, warm for the time of year……. Harry Potter was great fun…..
Poor sun-starved Gill, who wants the second HP now – my little Beetle heart goes out to her! If you would like to contact Gill, to commiserate, she can be reached on:gill.ward@virgin.net