Category Archives: archive

Mutual Aid

Need help? Want a travelling buddy or advice about a place or country – want to share something with us – why not visit our Mutual Aid section of the Website: Mutual Aid

Monique is looking for people to share a jeep from beginning September to middle September for a trip down the Rift Valley lakes and into the southwest tribal areas. Cost is 120 USD per day, no matter how many people to the jeep – I will arrive in Addis on Sept 2nd and would prefer to leave the 3rd or 4th of September for a 15-18 days trip (flexible because of market days and so on). Monique can be contacted by e-mail: or She says that she is a freelance photographer, so her main goal is: people, villages, markets, less wildlife, birds. If this interests you, why not drop Monique a line.

Here's a little Beetle quiz based on capital cities. See how many you get right! Go on, have a guess!

What is the capital city of the following countries:

  1. Senegal
  2. Singapore
  3. Sierra Leone
  4. San Marino
  5. Suriname

For the answers, see at the end of the e-newsletter.

You don't like this format!

Did you know, you can change the format of this e-newsletter? This e-newsletter is available in 4 formats:

1. This format with 2 columns.

2. A single column print friendly version available online, see the link in every e-newsletter (or click here).

3. The text only version, if you'd like your e-newsletter in plain text format, just send a blank email to The Globetrotters Webmaster with “Text+Enews” as the subject

4. Have a link emailed to you pointing to the online version, just send a blank email to The Globetrotters Webmaster with “Link+Enews” as the subject

New Travel Magazine Launched

Readers of the Globetrotter e-newsletter may be interested in a new English language bi-monthly magazine aimed at the enquiring traveller. hidden Europe was launched on 1 March 2005. The first issue sets the tone for a magazine which we think fills a distinct niche in the market. We take our readers beyond the usual tourist trails. Our brief is Europe wide, and we criss-cross the continent to publish the very best of what's new, what's old, what's odd and what's fun. We promise a zany look at the quirkier aspects of European people and places. A good read, always authoritative and packed with useful information. hidden Europe evokes the spirit of Europe's diverse landscapes, conjures up a sense of place and probes the curiosities of our continent's varied cultures.

Launching a new travel magazine may seem like folly at a time when we all suffer from information overload. But we think there's still a place for the quieter, more reflective, style of writing which we hope will become our hallmark. So in our first issue, you will find articles on slow food and slow trains – plus one that extols the merits of the slow boat. Join us on a journey that in this first number will lead us from rural Russia to the Scottish Hebrides, from Poland to Piedmont, and from Lithuania to Albania. Look for articles on Spanish Galicia, the Faeroe Islands and northern Portugal in hidden Europe 2 (in May 2005).

hidden Europe appears in A4 format and each issue is 48 pages. Single copies are £4.50 and an annual subscription, including postage anywhere in Europe, is £27.00. hidden Europe is produced by Gardner & Kries GbR, a small Berlin based publisher, run by Susanne Kries and Nicky Gardner, two women who have travelled more miles than most, and both experts on aspects of European cultures, languages, peoples and places. Visiting every inhabited Harridan island and crossing 33 borders in a couple of days are just two of the mad things we've done in the spirit of hidden Europe. Check out full details of the magazine, and register for our free electronic newsletter, at our website on

Sun at Midnight

Sun at Midnight is a book by Rosie Thomas, due to be published in July 2005 by Harper Collins. The book is based around her stay on a research station in Antarctica. We wanted to include a brief account of Rosie and her forthcoming book to give inspiration to other aspiring authors. It is only in recent years following a divorce and her children finding their own way in the world has Rosie had her life to herself. Travelling across deserts, partaking in international car rallies and scaling high mountains are so much easier without the family baggage. Once she was established as a successful writer and her children were grown, she discovered a love of travelling and mountaineering. She has climbed in the Alps and the Himalayas, competed in the Peking to Paris car rally, and spent time on a tiny Bulgarian research station in Antarctica to research this novel. Woman and Home magazine said this of Praise for SUN AT MIDNIGHT: 'This is an epic love story set against breathtaking descriptions of Antarctic waste.' Look out for it!


Have you got a tale to tell?

If you have a travellers tale that your aching to tell. Then why not visit the “Travel Sized Bites” section of the Website and share it with the world. Travel Sized Bites

Being Careful: Togo

The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office advise against all travel to the west African country of Togo. They say: following the death of President Eyadema on 5 February 2005, the internal situation in Togo is very uncertain. The capital city, Lome is calm but tense in most areas. Demonstrations in the central south of the city have led to clashes between the opposition and police, and resulted in some fatalities. Further demonstrations are possible. The situation could flare up without warning. Borders have now reopened but restrictions at entry and exit points could be re-imposed without warning. We advise against all travel to Togo until the situation clarifies.

The sea front area in Lome, particularly around the Hotel Sarakawa is dangerous and you should avoid this area as far as possible. Walking is not advisable in this area. Pick-pocketing and theft are common, especially along the beach and in the market areas of Lome. Some taxis are poorly maintained, and you should take particular care when seeking to use one. Attacks on pedestrians happen in broad daylight as well as at night. You should enter and exit public places such as restaurants in groups rather than individually.

Be prepared for checks of passport/identity papers and possible vehicle checks by the local Police and Military. There have been reports of people being killed when attempting to resist car-jackings. It is generally better not to resist armed attack.

If it is necessary to travel by car at night you should do so in a convoy of at least two cars. You should stop at all control points on request, turn on interior vehicle lights and only continue when permission has been given to do so.

TV Appeal for People Moved Overseas

Marc writes from a TV production company called Ricochet. He says: we are currently producing the fifth series of No Going Back and I am looking for people who are selling up in the UK and moving abroad to start a new business venture. I would love to hear from anyone who is doing something along these lines. Please contact him on

Where and When to see Whale Sharks Picture by Hondonius Aurelius

The Whale shark (Rhincodon Typus) is the largest fish in the world, growing up to 12m (40 feet) in length. Though massive in size, whale sharks are completely harmless and feed on plankton and small fish which are filtered from the water as they cruise the world's oceans. Despite their size, whale sharks are remarkably gentle and curious. They have a slow growth rate, only reaching maturity at around 30 years old and living as long as 60 – 100 years. Their reproduction rate is also very slow – long intervals between pregnancies and producing around a few hundred pups at one time.

Whale Sharks are located near the Equator around coast lines and open seas. They swim mostly along the top of the surface. Whale sharks can be found in the following areas:

  • Western Atlantic: New York to central Brazil and including Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean.
  • Eastern Atlantic: Senegal, Mauritania, Cape Verde Islands, Gulf of Guinea.
  • Indo-West and Central Pacific: South Africa and Red Sea to Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Japan, Philippines, Indonesia (Kalimantan, Java, Irian Jaya), Papua New Guinea, Australia (Queensland, Northern Territory), New Caledonia, Hawaiian Islands.
  • Eastern Pacific: Southern California to northern Chile.
  • Indian Ocean: the Seychelles, Mauritius, Zanzibar, Madagascar, Mozambique and northernmost Natal.

Unfortunately, in some countries such as India and the Philippines, the whale shark is often hunted for meat which is sold to feed the rich in SE Asia, where whale shark meat is an expensive delicacy. Numbers have certainly been reduced, but with the migratory habits of the sharks, it is very difficult to track and count them.

February to May: The time of year to see a whale shark in Thailand is between February and May.

April to June: Whale shark sightings are extremely common on the Ningaloo Reef in the months of mid April-June. A spotter plane communicates with boats as it spots the large shadow of a whale shark near the surface. Interactions are regulated by CALM (Conservation and Land Management), which limits the number of snorkellers in the water with a shark to a maximum of 10 and does not allow the use of flash photography. There are also strictly regulated guidelines including the distance a snorkeller should stay from the animal and how long a single interaction with a whale shark may last. These measures are mainly to reduce stress to the sharks, another unknown factor for scientists, even though people have been interacting with whale sharks on the Ningaloo for many years.

April to June: southern Belize offers whale shark spotting opportunities. The best time to do so during these months are three days before the full moon to three days after the last quarter moon. It's during these times that the Cubera Snappers spawn, attracting the Whale Sharks.

July to September: Rarely seen in shallow coastal waters, whale sharks have been regular visitors to the Sea of Cortez near Bahia de Los Angeles, Baja California, Mexico are closest to the US and are a good place to encounter whale sharks at this time of year.

November to April: whale sharks can be seen around Richelieu Rock in the North Andaman Sea.

If you have had a whale shark encounter, the Beetle would love to hear from you!

No of Visitors to S Africa Falls

Whilst the value of the Rand has strengthened, the number of non-African visitors to South Africa dropped 2 percent in November 2004, to 198,605 people. French arrivals fell by 23 percent, to 13,142, and the number of German tourists fell 4.3 percent, to 33,495.

Malaria Information website

We have developed a malaria information website ( and also have a pharmacy website ( where people can browse and order medication if they require it. Customers can order from us safe in the knowledge that we are a UK registered pharmacy which is both regulated by and subject to inspection by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. Orders are placed over the internet via our Pharmacy website or when internet access is not available, we can take telephone orders. Our website is very user-friendly, and clearly states whether the medication being ordered requires a prescription or not. Our credentials can be checked at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, and we would be happy to discuss any matter of concern at any time.


Meeting news from our branches around the world.

Lighters Banned in Hand Luggage in US

Congress passed a bill last year adding lighters to the list of items prohibited in the cabin. The ban started mid April 2005. Lighters haven't been permitted in checked bags for at least 30 years because they might start fires in cargo holds. The reason for the ban was the failed shoe bomber, Richard Reid, who tried unsuccessfully to light explosives hidden in his shoes on a trans-Atlantic flight in 2001. He used matches.

Armenia – a Cradle of Civilisation by Mushegh Gevorgyan

Where is Armenia? Armenia is the smallest of the former Soviet republics, bounded by Georgia to the north, Azerbaijan to the east, Iran to the south, and Turkey to the west. Aremenia counts amongst one of the world's oldest civilizations and once included Mount Ararat, (now in modern day Turkey) the mountain identified in the bible as being where Noah's ark rested after the flood. Under Tigrane the Great (fl. 95-55 B.C.) the Armenian Empire reached its height and became one of the most powerful in Asia, starching from the Caspian to the Mediterranean Seas. Throughout most of its long history, however, Armenia has been invaded by a succession of conquerors- the Greeks, Romans, Persians, Byzantines, Mongols, Arabs, Ottoman Turks, and the Russians.

From the 16th century through to World War I, significant parts of Armenia were controlled by the Ottoman Turks, under whom they experienced discrimination, religious persecution, heavy taxation, and armed attacks. In response to Armenian nationalist stirrings, the Turks massacred thousands of Armenians in 1894 and 1896. After the Turkish defeat in World War I, the independent Republic of Armenia was established on May 28, 1918, but survived only until November 29, 1920, when it was annexed by the Soviet Army. On March 12, 1922, the Soviets joined Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan to form the Transcaucasian Soviet Socialist Republic, which became part of the U.S.S.R. In 1936, after a reorganization, Armenia became a separate constituent republic of the U.S.S.R.

Armenia declared its independence from the collapsing Soviet Union on September 23, 1991. An Armenian Diaspora has existed throughout the nation's history, and Armenian emigration has been particularly heavy since independence from the Soviet Union. An estimated 60% of the total eight million Armenians worldwide live outside the country, with one million each in the U.S. and Russia. Significant Armenian communities are located in Georgia, France, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Argentina, and Canada.

Armenia – acknowledged as one of the cradles of civilization – is a beautiful country with a sophisticated people and a long and cultured history. As a result, Armenia is an intriguing tourist destination. Numerous monuments and masterpieces of the Ancient era and Middle Ages can be found throughout the country. Tourism in Armenia is rooted in the country's historical landmarks and natural attractions such as the water resorts of Lake Seventh hot springs of Arzni and Jermuk, the forests of Dilijan, Aghveran, Tsaghkadzor, Bjurakan and Gugark, and the mountainous natural caves and cliffs of the Southeast region. The 5165 meter Mount Ararat, geographically located in Turkey, is a national symbol of Armenia and is visible from much of the Southwest region.

  The majestic peaks of Mount Ararat provide a stunning backdrop to Yerevan. The monastery of Khor-Virab and the ruins of the ancient city of Dvin (dating back to the second century BC) are located in the mid-distance Aerial view of Yerevan, capital of Armenia Statue of Komitas, one of Armenia's most loved composers, outside the Komitas Conservatory. Apart from writing many original composition, Komitas travelled the country noting down folk songs for posterity Yerevan, which is nestled in the shadow of the snow-capped heights of the majestic mount Ararat, where the Biblical Noah's Ark first landed escaping the Great Flood, is the capital city of Armenia. With a population numbering over 1.2 million, Yerevan is a bustling city. The central plaza, Republic Square, is designed in the Armenian national style and houses the Government House, the Cabinet and other governmental offices as well as the Erebuni and Armenia hotels.

Also situated on Republic Square are the Armenian History Museum and the Art Gallery of Armenia. Here, one finds informative and interesting models and artefacts of ancient Urartu and Armenia. In the Art Gallery one finds a worthy section on Armenian art from the seventh century AD. Amongst the many other museums in the capital city, the two most interesting house museums are those of landscape artist Martiros Saryan (1880-1972) and twentieth century composer Aram Khatchaturyan.

 Yerevan, the ancient capital of Armenia, extends you a warm and friendly welcome. It is one of the oldest cities in the world. The earliest recorded settlement there dates back to 782 BC. King Argishty I founded a fortress city in the north-eastern part of present-day Yerevan, with the following cuneiform inscription, “With the majesty of God Khald, Argishty, son of Menua, built up this inaccessible castle and named it Erebuni…” You can still see relics from this part of our history at the Erebuni Museum in Yerevan.

 As you explore the many interesting sights in Yerevan, you will learn about the culture and history of one of the world's oldest nations.

If you would like more information about Armenia, contact the author of this article, Mr Mushegh Gevorgyan, who can assist with tours, visas and translation services:

Axum Obelisk

The Axumite kingdom in northern Ethiopia was established between 200 and 100 BC and was once one of the four kingdoms of the world. The legendary Queen of Sheba reigned in the region eight or nine centuries later. The region is home to some of the world's obelisks carved with 'doors' and 'windows' and are thought, like Stonehenge, to have some solar or astronomical measuring role. One of the obelisks was looted from Axum by Mussolini in 1937 and in 1947, Italy signed a pledge to the UN to give back the obelisk – but has not followed through until now. The obelisk – the only one on two continents weighing over 100 tonnes – was situated in a square in Rome in front of what was once the 'Ministry for Italian Africa' (now the FAO building). The obelisk has been cut into three sections, and has been awaiting its return in a warehouse near Rome airport. The top piece of the obelisk is now scheduled to leave Rome on a cargo plane in April but this has been postponed because the Italian culture ministry says Axum airport does not have radar, so the pilots must wait for good weather.

Holland's Bulbs

From the end of March until May, Keukenhof gardens, Holland's most famous spring gardens, will burst into a kaleidoscope of colour as spring comes to life in a stunning display of breathtaking beauty. Millions of tulips and other bulb flowers will burst in bloom, a fantastic experience for everyone and a wonderful spectacle to photograph. Keukenhof is situated on the west coast of Holland, in the Holland Rijnland area, with its flower fields, the beaches of Noordwijk and Katwijk, beautiful villages and the historical city of Leiden. Click here for more information on Keukenhof Gardens.

Meeting News from London by Padmassana

February 2005 London meeting

Gerry Brennan was our first speaker and gave us an insight into life in Botswana. Gerry went there to teach Art & Design. She began with slides showing some of her pupil's work. The children are expert at making sculptures from wire. Gerry showed us some of Chobe National Park's 11,000 square kilometres, home to elephants, lion and buffalo, some of which get extremely close. Gerry also explained some of the local superstitions, my favourite being her picture of a house surrounded by green fields, however the area around the house had no grass, as the locals believe that snakes live in the grass and they are scared of them!

Our second speakers were duo Shally and Richard Hunt, whose talk entitled “No ordinary walk” was their 2300 mile, 40 week walk from Cape Wraith to Nice. Though they did the first part in reverse walking from Dover to the north of Scotland before hopping over the Channel and walking in the summer heat through Belgium, Luxembourg and France. They crossed both the Jura and Vosges Mountains, sleeping in refuges and camping. After 40 weeks they finally made it to Nice in the rain.

5th March 2005 London meeting

Our first speaker was Matthew Leeming who gave Globies a fascinating talk on Afghanistan. Matthew began in the city of Herat, where he visited the beautiful Friday mosque with its wonderful blue tiles. We saw the tile factory where the tiles are still made by hand today. From Shibagan he showed us the solid gold jewellery which had escaped melting down by the Taliban by being hidden in a bank vault.

In Balkh we saw the worlds oldest mosque dating from 950AD, the mosque of the 9 domes, which is housed under a roof now to protect it from the elements. And the views of the spectacular mountains in the east of Afghanistan finished off a great talk.

Our second speaker was long time Globie Phil Koniotes whose slides took us to Svalbard and Greenland. The Svalbard part was actually the honeymoon of Phil and fellow Globie Lindy, who met at Globetrotters, all together, aaaaaaaahhhhhh! Their trip took them to see the wildlife of Svalbard where they saw Arctic Fox and all kinds of bird life, as well as enjoying Russian hospitality including BBQ's on board their ship. In Greenland Phil showed us the old whaling stations which are dotted around. Phil's fabulous icebergs photos showed the deep blue colours of the oldest chunks of ice. He was also lucky enough to spot a Polar bear and to see a hump back whale feeding frenzy.

By Padmassana

London meetings are held at The Church of Scotland, Crown Court, behind the Fortune Theatre in Covent Garden at 2.30pm the first Saturday of each month. There is no London meeting in August, but we will be back in September. For more information, you can contact the Globetrotters Info line on +44 (0) 20 8674 6229, or visit the website:

World Photo Day 1st June 2005

Here is a marvellous opportunity to photograph our lives and submit to World Photo Day.

The World PhotoDay 2005 project is an exploration into the everyday lives of people on a global scale. The diversity of this planet we inhabit is grand beyond belief. While you are having breakfast reading the paper, what do you think the rest of the world is doing? You will find out what happens on just one single day in the lives of people worldwide. No one is excluded from participating – you can be a professional, an amateur, someone who has a 35mm disposable, or whatever. The intent here is to show us, humankind, as we are. If you are using the latest digital SLR, or a disposable camera, great! Submissions will not be accepted until June 1, 2005 @ 00:01 hours GMT.

All photos must be taken on this single day – 1st June 2005, please! Try to depict life on just one day in the world as seen through your eyes, the photographer. Pre-registration is required to participate. Submissions are limited to 1 (one) photo per person. This is due only to the organiser's limitations in handling multiple photos per individual.

Take a look at:

Country Statistics: highest population density

Country tatistics: highest population density.




Area (km²)






















Hong Kong










Gaza Strip





Vatican City




















True Life Holiday Stories Wanted for TV

I'm a writer for Win & Go magazine, we specialise in true-life holiday stories. At the moment, we're putting together a feature looking at gap years for all ages – from the teens and twenties, to the mid-thirty's-forties and post-retirement. I was just wondering if any of your members have taken a year out to travel and would be wiling to share their experiences. We're going to include safety tips, practicalities and case-studies. Anyone who wishes to talk to us, will of course receive payment and we will include details of this website. Kerry Win & Go Magazine. Kerry can be contacted by e-mail:

Meeting News from New York

We are sorry to say that for the time being, New York meetings are suspended as Laurie really needs a helper. If you have some time to spare and are based in or near NYC, please contact Laurie on the e-mail address below.

For details of forthcoming meetings email or register for email updates, click here at our website.

New York meetings are held at The Wings Theatre, 154 Christopher Street (btw Greenwich St and Washington St ), to the right of Crunch Fitness, in the Archive on the first Saturday of each month at 4 pm .