The still cameras flash, the video cameras turn, the crowd press forward – Old Compton St. in
Soho half closed off. Nothing new about this – It could be an event anywhere anytime but it wasn’t. This was the unveiling of Westminster’s latest Green plaque – see picture right complete with a picture of the author himself! The plaque commemorates the original 2 i’s Coffee Bar – where Skiffle and early British Rock ‘N Roll was born (1956-1970).
This pack of cameras, were not pointing at some youthful stars or celebrities but at a grey brigade of the young at heart. Amongst musicians and singers were: Sir Cliff Richard, Chas McDevitt, Jim Sullivan, Vince Eager, Wee Willie Harris, John Pilgrim, Bruce Welch plus too many others to mention. Fans also came from as far away as Jersey to relive their days of youthful fun either playing or being part of the packed, hot, hand jiving audience – A death trap if there ever had been a fire and would not now be permitted by ‘Health and Safety’, but we loved it.
This day was so successful that the ‘Tales From The Woods’ Roots Music Magazine, has booked the 100 Club, in Oxford Street, for the 28th Jan. 2007 for a tribute to the 2 I’s and the Coffee bar scene in the 1950’s.
So I’m trying to track down some of the ‘Blue Jeans’ – see the photo left – and their fans and I know that some of them read the GT E-News in both California and Australia, because they have contacted me in the past but alas my computer has crashed many times and I have lost their addresses over the time. So I need to know – Where are they now? Guitarists, George Plumber, Bob Mills (Londoners) and Les Vas (Goa) are the last of the group to be contacted as Michael Fogarty (T-Chest Bass) and I (Drums) are already in touch.
As one of my friends says “You are only young twice” – So go for it and join us jumping and jiving at the 100 Club in Oxford Street – Let the good times roll as the rest of our big adventure continues into middle age!
About the author Tony Annis: Have camera will travel. Over the top but not yet over the hill. Past sixty five and still alive, my get up and go has not entirely got up and gone – like good whisky, I’m still going strong. Travelling through these global villages of ours is great adventure but to me it is the people that make this wonderful world, as well as the exotic places that I love to visit. See you over the next horizon, Tony.
Do you know if a video was made of the special day when the plaque was unveiled.
Any info would be appreciated. Thanks. John
Lots of cameras where there (about 80)
Hello everybody !
Since 1957 I was the 2 ‘is french fan,
Nicole; how many marvelous memories with this skiffle group… I knew Mickael (Hello !) and Les Vas (Hello !) who lived near Earl’s Court St, Bob further north. My personal performance was to mention them enthusiatically in a famous radio broadcast with Peter DUNCAN. My English was awful and MICKAEL taught me to say “aw” from awfull after the railway train “fleche d’or”l
I remember the performance at the two i’s club; so small a cave …so crowded.
Those were the days, you know …
I miss the wash board and mickael woodbox with a broomstick and a string.
Skiffle is rock cradle and so far.
Who says “we never had it so good !”
HiYa! To both of you
John a video was made. Person who may more about it is, Keith Woods or Ken Major. Michael is trying to contact Bob Mills, peter Plummer and Les Vas. 19th April 2i’s retro concert with many musicians from the time.
Contact me for more info.
Take Care
Hi it’s George plummer here the guitarist in the photo. Tony contact me by email. Bob Mills is trying to contact you as well
HiYa! George and Bob
Just received your e-mail.
Please contact me!
Skiffle Show, Sunday, 28th Jan. 2018
Tony Annis
Tony Annis, ex drummer of the Blue Jeans,
The last Big Skiffle reunion, Sunday, 28th Jan. 2018 at the ‘Spice Of Life’
Soho, London.
Hi Tony it’s george I have left my number with spice of life soho to pass on to you as can’t leave it on here for some reason
Do you have a mobile number or an email I can contact you on Tony it’s george