Hello all,
Welcome to the new season of the Globetrotters Club at its London branch. As you can see below we’ve kicked off the new season with a good couple of speakers and a new voice on the lectern !! I’ve also included plenty of input from regular contributors such as Mac, Harold Dunn and Padmassana…these guys are the main stay of the eNewsletter. And whilst I am in contact with a regular pool of contributors, I’m always looking for new material including photographs – see feel free to try your hand and get in touch.
This time round we have some sadness to talk about as well. Another long distance cyclist, Ian Hibell, has been fatally injured by an unforgiving motorist whilst on the road and Fridgey has experienced the rough arm of AustraliaÂ’s customs officials. Whilst not comparable, both episodes show what the travelling community endures as it goes about its businessÂ…sometimes itÂ’s a tad too sad for words.
To close on a happier note though, weÂ’ve also details on Rosie Swale Pope completing her round the world epic and news of the Independent Travel Show happening in London in 2009.
ThatÂ’s all for nowÂ…stay safe whilst you travel,
The Ant