Regular contributor Mac ruminates on the world of travel & some of his adventures along the way — This time round its South Africa…
Hotel Kilarney in Durban South Africa had a Monks Inn where they had strip shows with lunch ! You often see signs Steak, Eggs and Chips…their sign read Steak, Eggs and strips. (I collect what is said on signs). If you see a strip show in a Monks Inn is that a double sin ?…I could not get thorough to the Pope to find out.
The oldest bar in Capetown South Africa is the Fireman’s bar. Firemen from ships used to go there. On the wall they have listed a telephone service with charges for answering phone:-
He’s not here – 20 cents
He just left – 25 cents
Haven’t seem him all day – 30 cents.
Haven’t seen him all week – 35 cents
Who ? – 40 cents.
- At Catholic Church in Johannesburg they hear confessions in Sesotha, Padi, Tsnamia, ZuluXoise, Chiceno, African Dutch, Spanish, Italian and French but the priest did not understand my English (thank heavens) ! At Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris they even hear confessions in Esperanto.