Regular contributor Mac ruminates on the world of travel & some of his adventures along the way â€Â” This time round its South AfricaÂ…
- Hotel Kilarney in Durban South Africa had a Monks Inn where they had strip shows with lunch ! You often see signs Steak, Eggs and ChipsÂ…their sign read Steak, Eggs and strips. (I collect what is said on signs). If you see a strip show in a Monks Inn is that a double sin ?…I could not get thorough to the Pope to find out.
- The oldest bar in Capetown South Africa is the FiremanÂ’s bar. Firemen from ships used to go there. On the wall they have listed a telephone service with charges for answering phone:-
- HeÂ’s not here – 20 cents
- He just left – 25 cents
- HavenÂ’t seem him all day – 30 cents.
- HavenÂ’t seen him all week – 35 cents
- Who ? – 40 cents.
- At Catholic Church in Johannesburg they hear confessions in Sesotha, Padi, Tsnamia, ZuluXoise, Chiceno, African Dutch, Spanish, Italian and French but the priest did not understand my English (thank heavens) ! At Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris they even hear confessions in Esperanto.