Thanks to the likes of Madonna and Angelina Jolie, adoptions of children from overseas seems to have developed a high profile in recent months. According to the US State Department, China is the most popular source of US overseas adoptions; since 2000, 6,493 visas issued for Chinese orphans in fiscal 2006, Guatemala is the second most popular country in 2006, with 4,135 visas and Russia third, with 3,706 adoptions. China has recently announced some new rules, to take effect as of May 1st 2007 that could effectively rule out up to 25% of prospective parents. The nation that for years legislated for one child only has stated that prospective parents who are unmarried, over 50 or obese will not be able to adopt children from China. Those who qualify under the new rules are parents aged between 30 and 50 years, who are married and have had no more than two divorces between them, said US adoption agencies. Gay couples, people taking medication for anxiety and depression, and those with a body mass index (BMI) – the measure of a person’s weight relative to height – of more than 40 will be excluded.