1. The USA has more personal computers than the next 7 countries combined.
2. Americans and Icelanders go to the pictures on average 5 times a year, while Japanese go only once.
3. The United States spends more money on its military than the next 12 nations combined.
4. Kazakhstan is the world's largest landlocked country.
5. Most people live in poverty in most African countries.
6. Only two countries in the world are doubly landlocked: Liechtenstein and Uzbekistan.
7. Senior gentlemen might consider a trip to Russia, where there's two over 65 women for every man.
8. Sick of crowds? Try Greenland where there's 38 sq km per person.
9. Sri Lanka has lowest divorce rate in the world – and the highest rate of female suicide.
10. South Korea is the heliport capital of the world.