Country Statistics: assaults per capita

Mike from the US wrote in to the Beetle to say that our e-newsletter is always welcome and interesting, but that our recent “Country Statistics – Crime: Assaults Top 10 Countries per capita” was a little misleading. It puts the US on top with over 2 million crimes per capita. He says that although we are a relatively dangerous destination, we aren't quite that bad. He took a look at the source website which shows that the table gives the per country totals and would therefore be biased against populous countries. Mike goes on to say that the per capita ranking is more informative, so here is Mike’s link to this. . Quite right, Mike, apologies, we don’t want to deliberately put the US in a misleading light, so here is a better representation.

Crime statistics are often better indicators of prevalence of law enforcement and willingness to report crime, than actual prevalence.
Rank Country Amount
1. South Africa 12.51 per 1000 people
2. Montserrat

10.67 per 1000 people
3. Mauritius

8.90 per 1000 people
4. Seychelles

8.69 per 1000 people
5. United States 7.70 per 1000 people
6. New Zealand 7.63 per 1000 people
7. United Kingdom 7.50 per 1000 people
8. Zimbabwe

7.39 per 1000 people
9. Canada

7.25 per 1000 people
10. Australia

7.15 per 1000 people
11. Finland

5.35 per 1000 people
12. Iceland

4.92 per 1000 people
13. Tunisia

4.08 per 1000 people
14. Jamaica

4.01 per 1000 people
15. Portugal

3.75 per 1000 people
16. Chile

3.39 per 1000 people
17. Norway

3.23 per 1000 people
18. Netherlands

2.73 per 1000 people
19. Ireland

2.52 per 1000 people
20. Mexico

2.43 per 1000 people

Thanks Mike – from the Beetle. We love hearing from our readers, about any comments, complementary or a slap on the wrist, please let us know!

Source: .