1. According to the UN, 13-19 million children are working in the tourism sector all over the world. More than 1 million are forced into tourism’s sex industry.
2. 5,200 people were given 12 days’ notice and then forcibly removed from their homes in Pagan, Burma to make way for a tourism development. The military junta said they were an eyesore to tourists.
3. Spain’s 12 million visitors a year leave behind 100,000 tonnes of rubbish.
4. In destinations with beautiful beaches, especially the Caribbean, local people are often barred from beaches by hotel security and prevented from carrying on their livelihoods, such as fishing.
5. The UN calculates that a tourist uses as much water in 24 hours as a Third World villager would use to produce rice in 100 days.
Tourism Concern is a charity that works to ensure that local communities get a fair deal. Seetourismconcern.org.uk