Bonfire Night and Guy Fawkes

Joanne is from Canada and works with the Beetle. She has not been in the UK very long. She had never been to a bonfire night!

We explained to her that on November 5th, 1605, the Catholic Guy Fawkes and some fellow conspirators, crept into the Houses of Parliament and stored lots of barrels of gunpowder in an attempt to blow up the houses of Parliament.

He and his associates were caught and taken away to the Tower of London and beheaded. Since this time, each year, on November 5th, the entire country celebrate the foiling of this event (I know, it seems strange!) by having a bonfire with an effigy of Guy Fawkes and we have huge organized and private firework displays.

The public firework displays are always stunning! One of the best ones in London is at Primrose Hill and starts at 7.30pm on the closest Saturday to 5th November.