Saturday, August 13, 2022 any time after 1:30 p.m.
at Bruce Weber’s, 3 Oneida Ave. Algonquin Island.
Potluck: Bring some food and drinks to share
Pedicab, rowboat and canoe will be available.
Ferry to “Ward’s Island” leaves at 10:30, 11:30, 12:00 , 12:30, 13:30 (mask required) Get your tickets on-line and leave early (you can deposit your ‘stuff’ at Bruce’s house, take a walk around the island, or go to the beach).
We invite you to prepare a short presentation (20 pictures – 20 seconds each – see the attached info about Pecha Kucha format) and bring it on a memory stick. Any questions? – contact Svatka 416-503-2933
For information on Ontario meetings, please contact Svatka: or Bruce: at Meetings and travel presentations are held on the 3rd Friday in January, March, May (4th Friday), September and November at 8.00 p.m. at Old York Tower, 85 The Esplanade ( corner of the Esplanade & Church St.) – two blocks east of the Union station. A public parking garage is at the foot of Church Street right next to the Old York Tower.
Our next meeting and presentation is on Friday, NOVEMBER 19, 2021.
After waiting for a confirmation from the Old York Tower (our usual meeting place) we found a temporary NEW LOCATION at the St. Wenceslaus Church hall at 496 Gladstone Ave. (see the link below).
It is one block East of Dufferin subway station just south of Bloor- behind the library. Parking is available next to the church or on Gladstone Ave.
The TORONTO GT’S are extremely happy to let you know that our annual picnic is held on Sunday, August 30, 2020 on Algonquin Island (Bruce Weber’s front yard).
Saturday, August 14, 2021
any time after 1:30 p.m.
at Bruce Weber’s, 3 Oneida Ave. Algonquin Island.
Potluck: Bring some food and drinks to share
Pedicab, rowboat and canoe will be available. — Anna’s world quiz (we hope)
Take the ferry to “Ward’s Island” (leaves at 10:30, 11:00, 11:45 , 13:00 13:45)
(Get your tickets on-line and leave early (you can deposit your ‘stuff’ at Bruce’s house, take a walk around the island, or go to the beach.
Please note that these days, on weekends the ferry is quite crowded
For information on Ontario meetings, please contact Svatka: or Bruce: at Meetings and travel presentations are held on the 3rd Friday in January, March, May (4th Friday), September and November at 8.00 p.m. at Old York Tower, 85 The Esplanade ( corner of the Esplanade & Church St.) – two blocks east of the Union station. A public parking garage is at the foot of Church Street right next to the Old York Tower.
Due to the situation and in accordance with the rules issued by both Provincial and Federal government, we are once again forced to postpone the meeting.
Hopefully we will be able to meet in January (keep your fingers crossed)It is terrible that you, the avid travellers, instead of globetrotting have to spend time cleaning your garage, sorting out things, attending Zoom meetings or classes or organizing your travel files.
In the meantime, London Globetrotters have held 3 days of virtual presentations – very interesting.
I have also been contacted by the Globetrotters headquarters asking for possible contributions, and memories of and about Vera Blowers. They would post them in their next Globe. It would be nice if those of you who met her could contribute.In the meantime, happy travels on the map!
For information on Ontario meetings, please contact Svatka: or Bruce: at Meetings and travel presentations are held on the 3rd Friday in January, March, May (4th Friday), September and November at 8.00 p.m. at Old York Tower, 85 The Esplanade ( corner of the Esplanade & Church St.) – two blocks east of the Union station. A public parking garage is at the foot of Church Street right next to the Old York Tower.
For information on Ontario meetings, please contact Svatka: or Bruce: at Meetings and travel presentations are held on the 3rd Friday in January, March, May (4th Friday), September and November at 8.00 p.m. at Old York Tower, 85 The Esplanade ( corner of the Esplanade & Church St.) – two blocks east of the Union station. A public parking garage is at the foot of Church Street right next to the Old York Tower.