Category Archives: Events

Toronto meetings, Friday, Jan 16, 2015

Hi all:

Toronto GT’s meet Friday, January 16; 8:00 p.m. at Old York Tower, 85 The Esplanade, Toronto.

  • Bruce and Rosy Findlay will be showing “Island of Newfoundland–a very special place”. Hope to see you there.

Bruce Weber, 3 Oneida Ave., Toronto (Island), ON M5J 2E2; 416 203-0911.

p.s. Please feel free to copy the flyer and post it in your apt. building or wherever. Bruce


For information on Ontario meetings, please contact Svatka : or Bruce : / tel. 416-203-0911. Meetings and travel presentations are held on the 3rd Friday in January, March, May (4th Friday), September and November at 8.00 p.m at Old York Tower, 85 The Esplanade ( corner of the Esplanade & Church St.) – two blocks east of the Union station. Public parking garage is at the foot of Church Street right next to the Old York Tower.

Chester Meetings, Saturday March 21, 2015

Globetrotters in Chester


  1. A Journey Through South America – Don and Eve

    Not “around the world in 80 days”, but five weeks in South America, starting in Lima, Peru, through the Sacred Valley, – the shores of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia, – rain in the Atacama Desert in Chile, and finally over the snow-capped Andes into Argentina.- A journey of experiences!

  2. Solo Trip around New Zealand by bus – Pamela Scott-Austin

    Pamela a retired NHS employee travelled to New Zealand a year ago and had an amazing five-week bus journey around this beautiful country. She travelled through both the North and South island with Mount Cook as a favourite place. Come on the adventure and see some familiar places and some spectacular scenery and a few personal stories.

Doors open 1pm for 1:30pm Start till 4:30pm Entrance Fee £3.00 includes refreshments and two talks Grosvenor Museum 25-27 Grosvenor Street, CH12DDMarch%20Poster%202015%20final[1]

Enquiries to Hanna tel:  01244383392 or Angela tel: 01244 629930

Chester Meetings, Saturday September 19, 2015

Globetrotters in Chester


  • Kevin Brackley – Mysore, India, outside the bubble. Kevin Brackley: has been a Globetrotter for over 30 years, visiting over 80 countries. His talk will be based around his second trip to Mysore in February 2015, the people he met and the places he visited after he had finished his 4:30am yoga practice.
  • Sean Mooney – Left my heart in San Francisco but my wallet in Las Vegas. Sean’s talk will focus on the journey of the solo traveller around different parts of California and Nevada e.g. San Francisco, Los Angeles and Las Vegas. San Francisco trip will look at the America’s cup sailing competition, different attractions around the bay area, as well as visits to the aquarium, science museum, whale watching, exploring San Francisco the city and Yosemite National Park. Los Angeles will focus on Hollywood, the film industry including photos from studio tours, walk of fame, key monuments within LA including the Hollywood sign, Chinese Theatre etc. Attending the opening ceremony of the Special Olympics, events at Long beach and navigating LA’s public transport system. Las Vegas will focus on the many different wonders it has to offer from what people expect in terms of the strip, which is considered the hub of Las Vegas to the different tours available from visits to the Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon, Wet n Wild Water Park (In the desert, which is a wonder in itself) to the variety of shows and concerts on offer, e.g. Blue Man Group, Celine Dion, Country Superstars, Variety Shows etc. My Las Vegas talk will also look at the stark contrast of Vegas during the day and at night as well as my main reason every year for visiting my Star Trek convention held at the Rio Suites Hotel. Be prepared for a talk that will literally have you beaming from one location to another!


Doors open 1pm for 1:30pm Start till 4:30pm Entrance Fee £3.00 includes refreshments and two talks Grosvenor Museum 25-27 Grosvenor Street, CH12DD

Enquiries to Hanna tel:  01244383392 or Angela tel: 01244 629930

Chester Meetings, Saturday November 21, 2015

Globetrotters in Chester


  • Ken Waldie – Le Langhe Italy: An Enchanting Place

    Having been a walk leader for a travel company for more than a decade prompted his involvement in photography. He has developed this interest and publishes books using photographic images, poetry and text to illuminate specific periods in history. The intended effect of this multi-discipline approach is to enhance the reader’s experience, facilitating speculation on the past lives of people at particular points in time and space.

  • John and Nikki – Cuba Nikki and John talk about their 2014 trip to Cuba where they explore the Islands revolutionary history and its modern yet vibrant Caribbean culture. Traveling across the breadth of the country their talk encompasses:

    • In Havana traveling in 1950’s American cars and watching children play baseball under rusting streetlights.
    • In the countryside, trekking and sleeping out in the jungle and climbing to Fidel’s secret rebel hideout in the mountains.
    • Exploring underground caverns, nuclear shelters, sugar loaf mountains and sun drenched beaches.
    • Che Guevara’s Mausoleum, The Bay of pigs and the Hotel Nacional, built by the Mafia.

    With present changes to the relationship with America, it’s important to take a snapshot of a country which faces, inevitably, massive cultural change.


Doors open 1pm for 1:30pm Start till 4:30pm Entrance Fee £3.00 includes refreshments and two talks Grosvenor Museum 25-27 Grosvenor Street, CH12DD

Enquiries to Hanna tel:  01244383392 or Angela tel: 01244 629930

Chester Meetings, Saturday July 18, 2015

Globetrotters in Chester


  • “Dehli to Kathmandu” Speaker Marion Round.
  • “Kathmandu to Lhasa” Speaker Michael Round.

JulyPoster2015. Doors open 1pm for 1:30pm Start till 4:30pm Entrance Fee £3.00 includes refreshments and two talks Grosvenor Museum 25-27 Grosvenor Street, CH12DD

Enquiries to Hanna tel:  01244383392 or Angela tel: 01244 629930

Chester Meetings, Saturday May 16, 2015

Globetrotters in Chester


  • “Images from the Edge” Speaker Brian Anderson
  • “Turn right at the Rising Sun” Speaker Chris Symes


Doors open 1pm for 1:30pm Start till 4:30pm Entrance Fee £3.00 includes refreshments and two talks Grosvenor Museum 25-27 Grosvenor Street, CH12DD

Enquiries to Hanna tel:  01244383392 or Angela tel: 01244 629930

Chester Meetings, Saturday January 17, 2015

Globetrotters in Chester


  1. Wildlife & Scenery of Vancouver & the Rockies – David Cummings
  2. Cornwall to Cape Town – Dr Rich Wain-Hobson


Doors open 1pm for 1:30pm Start till 4:30pm Entrance Fee £3.00 includes refreshments and two talks Grosvenor Museum 25-27 Grosvenor Street, CH12DD

Enquiries to Hanna tel:  01244383392 or Angela tel: 01244 629930

London Meetings, Saturday 3rd January 2015

Speaking this month we have:

    1. Richard Wain-Hobson – Cornwall to Cape Town: My First Taste of Adventure

      In October 2012, three doctors left their jobs, friends, and local sea shanty group, and set out on an adventure that took them closer to ruin than they had ever been in their lives. Armed with a rusty old land rover and minimal experience, they packed their vehicle and started south. 9 months, 30 countries, 21,792 miles, and 19 punctures later, and they found themselves in Cape Town, elated, amazed that they had actually made it. Along the way they worked in a Ugandan hospital, helped with international research in Malawi, and supported a specialist surgical unit in Ethiopia. Their experiences have shaped them, and for one have led to many more adventures since.

      Dr Rich Wain-Hobson is an Accident & Emergency doctor at the Royal Cornwall Hospital. He is developing a specialist interest in Expedition and Tropical Medicine, and regularly accompanies expeditions as the doctor and photographer. Come and hear him tell the story of Cornwall to Cape Town: how three normal people took their first steps into the world of expedition and adventure.

      Find out more at and

    2. Z W Bates – Travelling by container ship with the poetry of Louis MacNeice

      Z W Bates has always enjoyed the company of words. Her interests include walking with a notebook and travelling with a camera. She lives in south London and is habituated to the Northern Line but in 2013 she decided to do something many of us dream about. She left her job in the corporate world to write a book. Or at least that was the plan.

      In fact she wrote two books: one book explored places associated with the Irish poet Louis MacNeice and one book took her readers behind the scenes, seeing the view from her keyboard and sharing her journey. In between being side-tracked by sparrows in her south London garden and England’s cricket team winning the Ashes in that distant memory of summer 2013, she went from the spring sunshine of Texas, past discovering ‘nurslings of wit’ and a memorable staircase, through Icelandic rainbows and rain-washed Ireland and into the quieter waters of research libraries.

      In her talk to Globetrotters we will travel with her across the north Atlantic on a containership, the ideal place to start writing a book (or two), away from the usual excuses of displacement activity. Or at least that was the plan.

      Find out more at

  • By tradition we follow this meeting with a New Year Party post-meeting – everyone is invited to bring food and drink and participate! (We have permission from the church for you to bring wine, but beer, cider and spirits are not allowed.) (R.O.A.R)


London branch meetings are held at The Church of Scotland, Crown Court, behind the Fortune Theatre in Covent Garden the first Saturday of each month, unless there is a UK public holiday that weekend.

Admission costs, £3 for Members and £6.00 Non-members. You do not need to be a member to attend, and we do not sell advanced tickets, please just come on the day, the doors open at 2:15pm and the program starts around 2:30pm with each talk lasting approximately 40 minutes.

There is no London meeting in August, but we start afresh each September.

If you would like to keep up to date with what’s happening at the Globetrotters London meetings and to be sent email reminders prior to the meeting, please sign up here.

Friday, Sept. 19th 2014

Hi all:

Friday, Sept. 19, 8:00 p.m. at Old York Tower, 85 The Esplanade, Toronto, Toronto GT’s present

“Senegal” by Alex Rice and Francine Charland. 

Hope you can make it.

For information on Ontario meetings, please contact Svatka : or Bruce : / tel. 416-203-0911. Meetings and travel presentations are held on the 3rd Friday in January, March, May (4th Friday), September and November at 8.00 p.m at Old York Tower, 85 The Esplanade ( corner of the Esplanade & Church St.) – two blocks east of the Union station. Public parking garage is at the foot of Church Street right next to the Old York Tower.


Saturday, June 14

Hi all:

Toronto GT’s may be interested in this special program Sat., June 14; 2:00 p.m.

Dr. Gretchen Roedde speaks on her work for the past 25 years in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Ghana, Botswana, Papua New Guinea, and elsewhere, training healthcare workers, midwives, and assessing programs in aid of Mother and Child Health.

All are welcome. Bruce Weber 416 203-0911

Sat June 14