Category Archives: Events

London Meeting, Saturday, May 8, 2021 (2nd Saturday due to BH)

Speaking this month we have:

1st Andrew P Sykes – a cycling adventures from Europe’s geographical south to its northernmost point.

Meet Andrew: French teacher, writer and long-distance cyclist.

Now, meet Reggie, his bike.

With two European cycling adventures already under his belt, Andrew was ready for a new challenge. Exchanging his job as a teacher in Oxfordshire for an expedition on Reggie the bike, he set off on his most daring trip yet: a journey from Tarifa in Spain to Nordkapp in Norway – from Europe’s geographical south to its northernmost point.

Join the duo as they take on an epic journey across nearly 8000 km of Europe, through mountains, valleys, forests and the open road, proving that no matter where you’re headed, life on two wheels is full of surprises.

2nd Molly Wilderspin-Jones and Simon Brown – Journeys with a Green Heart

Molly and Simon have not flown for over 20 years. Yet in that time, they have had many adventurous journeys travelling on the surface of the earth not only in Europe but even reaching Africa.

Molly and Simon will be giving their illustrated talk, highlighting some of the fabulous journeys they have made over the years and demonstrating that one does not necessarily have to leave a large carbon footprint in order to visit and explore some wonderful places.

Date & Time:

Saturday, May 8th, 2021

The zoom meeting opens at 13:30 with the talks starting 14:00 BST (London time see Event Time Announcer for local times), please arrive early so we can deal with any issues with joining.

You only need one ticket per screen, not one for each person watching or attending.

For forthcoming meetings we have

  • a suggested donation £3 for members to cover our costs. Members will be emailed a ticket code link allowing access to this option or you can access it from the members area.
  • We also have a limited number free tickets for members who have been financially affected by Covid-19
  • a donation of £5-6 for non-members, non-members may join the club for £12 per year and get this and future meetings at members rate for £12, members can also watch the 3 previous online talks, members also receive Globe our members magazine and our annual members calendar, why not join and enter your pictures.
  • a catch up to watch later will be available to members and non-member ticket holders. (Members can also watch all the previous online talks)

Online Meeting, Saturday, April 10, 2021 (2nd Saturday due to Easter)

Speaking this month we have:

1st Paulo Seth – Cycling the pilgrim routes

Paulo has cycled thousands of kilometres and also completed many shorter rides or cycling micro-adventures over the years.

Paulo’s most notable cycling experiences are the French Way of the Camino de Santiago in 2015 (~1,000 Km), the Portuguese Way in 2019 (~650 Km) and the Via Francigena to Rome in 2016 (~2,000 Km). Paulo has also written about the Brazilian “Caminho da Fé” (or Faith’s Way) in 2017 (~600 Km).

For more information see

2nd Alexandra Bradford – Travels in Central Asia

Club Member Alexandra Bradford will be talking about traveling in central Asia (mainly Kyrgyzstan).

See the meeting page for details.

Date & Time:

Saturday, April 10th, 2021

The zoom meeting opens at 13:30 with the talks starting 14:00 BST (London time see Event Time Announcer for local times), please arrive early so we can deal with any issues with joining.

You only need one ticket per screen, not one for each person watching or attending.

For forthcoming meetings we have

  • a suggested donation £3 for members to cover our costs. Members will be emailed a ticket code link allowing access to this option or you can access it from the members area.
  • We also have a limited number free tickets for members who have been financially affected by Covid-19
  • a donation of £5-6 for non-members, non-members may join the club for £12 per year and get this and future meetings at members rate for £12, members can also watch the 3 previous online talks, members also receive Globe our members magazine and our annual members calendar, why not join and enter your pictures.
  • a catch up to watch later will be available to members and non-member ticket holders. (Members can also watch the previous online talks)

London Meeting, Saturday, March 6, 2021

Speaking this month we have:

1st Matt Nixon – Type 2, Take 2: The Mongol100

Matt Nixon is an amateur adventurer and speaker (amongst other things) and has taken on many personal challenges over the last few years. One of these adventures was to have ice skated 100 miles down a frozen lake in Outer Mongolia. This challenge is now know as the Mongol100 and Matt is part of a group of only 8 people to have ever taken on this epic challenge.

According to the locals, the lake as spiritual powers, which Matt definitely experienced throughout his visit. In the talk, Matt will talk about his experiences in the far flung country of Mongolia, the challenge of ice skating on natural frozen ice, the mythical story of the lady of the lake and much more.

Find out more:

2nd Simon Finnamore – Panamá – 12 Days of  Christmas 2019 /2020

Simon shares – A whistle stop family adventure around Panama


Date & Time:

Saturday, March 6, 2021

The zoom meeting opens at 13:30 with the talks starting 14:00 GMT (London time), please arrive early so we can deal with any issues with joining.

You only need one ticket per screen, not one for each person watching or attending.

For forthcoming meetings we have

  • a suggested donation £3 for members to cover our costs. Members will be emailed a ticket code link allowing access to this option or you can access it from the members area.
  • We also have a limited number free tickets for members who have been financially affected by Covid-19
  • a donation of £5-6 for non-members, non-members may join the club for £12 per year and get this and future meetings at members rate for £12, members can also watch the 3 previous online talks, members also receive Globe our members magazine and our annual members calendar, why not join and enter your pictures.
  • a catch up to watch later will be available to members and non-member ticket holders. (Members can also watch the previous online talks)

London Meeting, Saturday, February 6, 2021

Speaking this month at 2pm we have:

1st: Simon Banks – What’s the plural of paradise? Malawi, UK & Aotearoa.

He only went to New Zealand for a 50th birthday party!
Long time Globetrotters Club member, Simon Banks reflects on some recent observations as he celebrates his 60th.

2nd: Mark Hadley – Morocco: fast and slow

Our experiences in Morocco from two week dashes to 5 months wandering

We love Morocco. It’s so accessible but definitely on a different continent. From mountains to coast, from waterfalls to desert it has so much on offer. It is cheap, safe and friendly. We have had five trips to Morocco from short dashes at Christmas time, to slow indulgent five month trips. I’ll share how we did quick trips and an insight into our long slow trips.

For forthcoming meetings we have

  • a suggested donation £2-3 for members to help with our costs. Members will be emailed a ticket code link allowing access to this option or you can access it from the members area.
  • We also have a limited number free tickets for members who have been financially affected by Covid-19
  • a donation of £5-6 for non-members, non-members may join the club for £12 per year and get this and future meetings at members rate for £12, members can also watch the 3 previous online talks, members also receive Globe our members magazine and our annual members calendar, why not join and enter your pictures.  
  • a catch up to watch later will be available to members and non-member ticket holders. (Members can also watch the previous online talks)

Date And Time

Sat, 6 Feb 2020, zoom meeting opens at 13:30 with the talks starting 14:00 GMT (London time), please arrive early so we can deal with any issues joining.

Toronto Meetings, Friday, November 19th 2020. (Postponed)

The meeting for November has been postponed to a future date due to the Corona virus and the national guidance on self-isolation and social distancing. We are running some online meetings in the meantime.

Due to the situation and in accordance with the rules issued by both Provincial and Federal government, we are once again forced to postpone the meeting. 

Hopefully we will be able to meet in January (keep your fingers crossed)It is terrible that you, the avid travellers, instead of globetrotting have to spend  time cleaning your garage, sorting out things, attending Zoom meetings or classes or organizing your travel files.

In the meantime, London Globetrotters have held 3 days of virtual presentations – very interesting. 

I have also been contacted by the Globetrotters headquarters asking for possible contributions, and memories of and about Vera Blowers.  They would post them in their next Globe.  It would be nice if those of you who met her could contribute.In the meantime, happy travels on the map!

For information on Ontario meetings, please contact Svatka: or Bruce: at Meetings and travel presentations are held on the 3rd Friday in January, March, May (4th Friday), September and November at 8.00 p.m. at Old York Tower, 85 The Esplanade ( corner of the Esplanade & Church St.) – two blocks east of the Union station. A public parking garage is at the foot of Church Street right next to the Old York Tower.

Toronto meetings, Friday, January 20, 2019

Everyone Welcome “TRAVEL” with TORONTO GT’S

Speaking this month:

  • Tentative topics not yet scheduled.

For information on Ontario meetings, please contact Svatka: or Bruce: at Meetings and travel presentations are held on the 3rd Friday in January, March, May (4th Friday), September and November at 8.00 p.m. at Old York Tower, 85 The Esplanade ( corner of the Esplanade & Church St.) – two blocks east of the Union station. A public parking garage is at the foot of Church Street right next to the Old York Tower.

Chester Meetings,Saturday 21st of November – Meeting Cancelled

Globetrotters in Chester

Hello to all Globetrotters,

We are slowly moving towards the later part of the year and our last meeting of the year for November. Hopefully you all are still keeping well and making the best of the situation!

Unfortunately our November meeting is again not going ahead  as the rules for meeting in groups with Covid 19 have not changed.

We had two lovely speakers lined up for November, Paul Gillingham would have started the meeting with a talk about traveling on his bicycle  ‘Crossing Spain the Roman Way’, and after the break David Redford had a ‘Travel Quiz’ lined up for us to complete the last meeting for 2020!

Doors open 1pm for 1:30pm Start till 4:30pm Entrance Fee £3.00 includes refreshments and two talks Grosvenor Museum 25-27 Grosvenor Street, CH1 2DD Enquiries to Hanna tel: 01244383392 or Angela tel: 01244 629930

London Meeting Saturday, September 5, 2020-Now Online.

This meeting has moved online due to restrictions around Covid-19

Speaking this month we have:

1st. Jacqui Trotter – The Stans

Jacqui Trotter talks about her journey overland back home from London to Australia via the five stans: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.

2nd. Gavin Boyter – Run the orient

Armed with a toilet trowel and a converted Mazda Bongo called Roxy, self-styled ‘ordinary’ ultrarunner, Gavin Boyter, embarks on his latest long-distance challenge: to run the 3400km from Paris to Istanbul along the route of the world’s most illustrious railway journey, the Orient Express.

And, despite work on Roxy having hampered his training programme, Gavin remains undeterred and plans to run through eight countries, to cross 180 rivers and to ascend 16,500 metres, through forests, mountains, plains and major cities – aided all the way by temperamental mapping technology and the ever encouraging support of his girlfriend, Aradhna.

En route, Gavin will pass through urban edgelands and breathtaking scenery, battlefields and private estates, industrial plants and abandoned villages, and on through a drawn-back Iron Curtain where the East meets West. He will encounter packs of snarling, feral dogs, wild boar, menacing cows, and a herd of hundreds of deer. But he will also meet many fascinating characters, including a German, leg-slapping masseuse, music-loving Austrian farmers, middle-class Romanians, itinerant Romanies, stoic soldiers, and boisterous Turks.

However, confined to the cramped conditions of Roxy, and each other’s company, Gavin and Aradhna’s journey is not only a test of the endurance and stamina required to put in the hard miles, but of their relationship, too. After all, if they can survive this challenge, they can survive anything. But will Gavin’s legs make it all the way to Istanbul, where he has planned a special surprise for Aradhna?

Born in Edinburgh in 1970, Gavin Boyter studied Philosophy and English Literature at Edinburgh University. He later studied at Sheffield where he gained a master’s degree in Film and TV Drama. Gavin has been a writer ever since he could hold a pen. In 2015, he wrote and directed the romantic comedy film, Sparks and Embers, starring Kris Marshall and Annelise Hesme.

He has written numerous screenplays, including the psychological thriller Nitrate (with Guy Ducker). He recently completed his first novel, Elena in Exile, a crime story about a Romanian single mother adrift in London’s colourful, and sometimes dangerous, Soho. An occasional runner until his midthirties, Gavin only became serious about covering long distances when he ran his first ever race – the 2005 London Marathon! His first book Downhill From Here: Running From John O’Groats To Land’s End was published in 2017.

3rd. Jon Lord – ‘Africa’s Forgotten Pearl’

What is it we can learn from a blind singer on the River Nile, Coffee with Pygmies or a lion with a limp?  Bumping down the dusty tracks of a remote corner of Uganda in an old 4×4, Jon explores the motivations into why we travel and how our sense of perspective and attitude to risk changes. After lots of unexpected discoveries and near misses with large wildlife, Jon discovers that there is a lot more to Uganda than just its checkered past – truly a hidden gem and one for the bucket list

Join is an Adventure Coach and Co Founder Latitude Adventures Ltd – 

The talk by Brian Anderson – Easter Island (Rapa Nui) has been rescheduled to December

You only need one ticket per screen, not one for each person watching or attending.

For forthcoming meetings we have

  • a suggested donation £2 for members to help with our costs. Members will be emailed a ticket code link allowing access to this option or you can access it from the members area.
  • a donation of £5 for non-members, non-members may join the club for £12 per year and get this and future meetings at members rate for £12, members can also watch the 3 previous online talks, members also receive Globe our members magazine and our annual members calendar, why not join and enter your pictures.  
  • a catch up to watch later will be available to members and non-member ticket holders. (Members can also watch the 3 previous online talks)


Everyone Welcome “TRAVEL” with TORONTO GT’S.

The TORONTO GT’S are extremely happy to let you know that our annual picnic is held on Sunday, August 30, 2020 on Algonquin Island (Bruce Weber’s front yard). 


Sun., Aug. 30; 2:30 p.m. at 3 Oneida Ave., Toronto Island

Happy Summer.  And at last the flood waters are receding!  Come on to the Picnic at my place–3 Oneida Ave., Toronto Island.  Pot luck-manageable items.  Help me to get the rowboat and canoe into the water.

at Bruce Weber’s, 3 Oneida Ave.

  • Algonquin Island. Take the ferry to “Ward’s Island”
  • (Get your tickets on-line to avoid line ups.)
  • Pedicab, rowboat, canoe available.
  • Potluck: manageable items. Picnic 2017
  • …Anna’s world quiz

The ferry to Ward’s Island leaves the city at 1:30 (12:30, 2:30). Bring a swim suit if you want to go to the beach. The lake is quite warm due to many hot spells we have had this summer.

For information on Ontario meetings, please contact Svatka: or Bruce: at Meetings and travel presentations are held on the 3rd Friday in January, March, May (4th Friday), September and November at 8.00 p.m. at Old York Tower, 85 The Esplanade ( corner of the Esplanade & Church St.) – two blocks east of the Union station. A public parking garage is at the foot of Church Street right next to the Old York Tower.