Category Archives: archive

November meeting news from the Chester, UK branch by Hanna, Angela & Eve

Hi The Ant,

It was great to actually meet you on your meeting [Note from The Ant…Hannah & partner joined us the November London branch meeting], we enjoyed it all immensely and have told everyone about in our meeting. We had a good turnout this time, about 40 people all in all and 35 paying from that number, so we are getting there

I have done a ditty for the E Newsletter and hopefully you could include that in your next issue

Thanks very much for your help

Kind Regards


We Had our meeting this Saturday and it was a great success ! We had about 40 people attending and we reminded ourselves of the fact that it was 2 years ago that we had our first meeting. To celebrate the occasion we had mince pies and chocolates for everyone in the break and there was an exciting buzz about the place

The first talk we had was by Eve and Don McPherson who had made a trip to Cambodia in March of this year, the title was : Impressions of Cambodia after Polpot. Eve and Don told us about the wonderful trip and showed us some fantastic photographs. Temples of Angkor, especially Angkor Wat are without a doubt one of the most captivating sights in South East Asia. There are still many temples not yet renovated and are covered with tree roots and branches draped around the walls. We had a background on Polpot and the Killing fields and soon moved on to a delightful group of young people living in the many orphan homes in Cambodia. Eve and Don have made many friends there and enjoyed the simple but very good accommodation there. We have got a wonderful impression of the Khmer people, a welcoming and warm nation!

Then it was break time, many travel ideas and cups of tea were exchanged, some were still asking many questions about Cambodia and others were making plans for their next trip It was a busy time

The second talk was by Derek Brown who after he retired got the sailing bug and after buying a boat in Holland motored it down the Rhine and on the Danube all the way to Istanbul. He showed us some impressive photos of the various locks that had to be negotiated and a fantastic entrance into Budapest by boat. The Houses of Parliament look very different from the river. Some very pretty places he visited along the Danube, especially some of the towns in Austria. Derek had even a few video clips to give us an idea of moving along the river and how that felt. Romania and Bulgaria seem to have still a long way to go, but some of the towns again were very pretty. On to the Black Sea and from there along the coast line to Istanbul with its Blue Mosque and lots of boats on the Bosporus.

Both talks drew a lot of attention and many questions were asked with several trips being planned. We closed the meeting just after four and some of us went to have a drink in the pub the Bear and Billet afterwards

Our next meeting is Saturday 21st of January 2012 and we will have a talk about Borneo with the second talk on Kilimanjaro

Kind Regards


Chester meetings are held at The Grosvenor Museum, 25 – 27 Grosvener Street, Chester, CH1 2DD.

Tickets £3 including refreshments.

For more information contact Angela, Hanna or Eve for further information of this & future events at Chester via email at

December meeting news from the London, UK branch by The Ant

With Dan at the lectern, we had two surprisingly entertaining & different speakers who both spoke about quite new subjects:-

  • James Willcox – Impressions of Afghanistan. A more exotic travel adventurer than most, James ended up working as a travel guide in Afghanistan, after falling in love with the country on overland trip via Pakistan many years ago. Yes his early days across the country were scattered with the detritus of numerous wars but it is not as uniformly throughout the country.Whilst Kabul & Helmand province endure much, Bamian & the Central Highlands still have so much to offer the brave visitor cultures reflecting the millennia of trade & conquest, a network of teahouses to rival Nepal and an incredibly friendly cross section of peoples.James still works regularly in Afghanistan and you can understand more via his company’s web site at
  • Chris Weston – Animals on the edge. Another traveller who has undertaken what seems a nonstop & ever changing journey, Chris Weston started out as a photographer, after getting bored, and has ended up as a well-regarded specialist on eco tourism. Chris’s main message, delivered passionately but not preaching, is that human / animal conflict over valuable resources is the main cause of species’ threatening extinctions.But Chris doesn’t stop at using his excellent photography to deliver the big stories & pictures he also works at delivering thoughtful solutions – his message is that we can only effectively conserve if we economically value the animal & plant worlds on a meaningful &interactive human level. Visit to see how Chris & his team enjoy gorilla trekking in Rwanda or searching for Tigers in their last remaining strongholds of India & Russia.

The London branch’s future meetings are detailed at London Meeting Programme.

London meetings are held at The Church of Scotland, Crown Court, behind the Fortune Theatre in Covent Garden at 2.30pm the first Saturday of each month, unless there is a UK public holiday that weekend – then the meeting rolls forward to the next weekend.

There is no London meeting in August, so we start afresh each September.

For more information, contact the Globetrotters Info line on +44 (0) 20 7193 2586, or visit the web site:

Write in (2)…the travel world of Mac


This time round Mac answers my request about other travel clubs that might have a similar ethos to Globetrotters 🙂

  • – online travel guide, trip planning resource, and network for the independent traveller
  • Women Traveling Together – membership organization specializing in small group travel for women. Also offers assistance in locating travel companions.
  • Camper Clubs of America is designed to help web surfers find the best outdoor sporting equipment online
  • World Travelers of America (WTA) offers newsletter, several discount programs, travel advisory and safety brochures, and more.

Keep those suggestions coming… The Ant

Welcome to eNewsletter … October 2011…

Hello all,

Autumn in the northern hemisphere is a time of change for many of us and 2011 is proving to be as busy as ever.  Despite difficult economic & political times for many, independent travellers are still venturing forth and then coming home to relate their adventures!  Within this edition you can hear how the London & Chester branches have opened their new seasons, what travel events can attract our attention and an interesting article by Brian Luckhurst on a holiday alternative.

What else is happening across the wider travel world?

That’s all for now, enjoy the read and keep sending me more of your stories, adventures and articles 🙂

The Ant

September meeting news from the London, UK branch by The Ant

With Jeanie Copland at the lectern, the London branch started into its new season with two contrasting speakers:-

Mary Kinipple – ‘Tapestry & Tibet’: 

Mary Kinipple
Picture courtesy of Mary Kinipple

First time speaker Mary showed how travel influenced & developed her professional career as a craft weaver.  Whilst Mary was always interested in textiles & design, it took an independent journey twenty years ago through Nepal & onto Tibet to provide her with a deeper appreciation of weaving as a craft & as a potential niche industry in the modern world.  Starting in Kathmandu Mary came across traces of yak hair weaving by local trading families and as she headed up to Lhasa, the lessening of 20th century demands allowed space for a more varied & widespread weaving industry.  Across wider Tibet she found traders operating out of small, family or village run factories…harnessing manual skills to produce intricate & practical objects such as traditional outfit, animal harnesses & small art objects.  Mary was fascinated by how a skill so manually based could produce so much detail & colour…

Read more about Mary’s UK life at

Jonny Bealby – Pakistan as a travel destination

Jonny Bealby
Jonny Bealby – Picture courtesy of Tony Annis

Second up saw the return of a club favourite, Jonny Bealby!  Many of us have come into contact with Jonny…either via the club, travel shows or in the wide travel industry and we’ve all found him to be very engaging & welcoming J

Anyway this time round Jonny spoke, in warm details, about Pakistan and that despite its well documented struggles, there is so much to enjoy in that exuberant & vivid country.  Since the mid 2000s Jonny’s main engagement in Pakistan has been through the development of his Wild Frontiers company & adventure tourism in the wider region.  We saw & heard how local relationships could work to produce strong connections that would benefit tourists, business people & non-governmental organisations alike…adding power to the philosophy of “trade not aid”.  Jonny & Wild Frontiers have lately taken this one stage further via their Wild Frontiers Foundation…see for more details.

Enjoy 🙂

Picture courtesy of Tony Annis

October meeting news from the London, UK branch by The Ant

With Simon Banks at the lectern, the London branch was introduced to two new speakers:-

First to entertain us, on a country that is often in the news for negative reasons was Russell Maddicks who spoke about Exploring Venezuela: A Land of Natural Wonders.  Russell highlighted how much variation in the country can be enjoyed…from stunning geographies, complex cultures & histories through to sociable peoples who know how to enjoy themselves!  In fact Russell’s many visits over a number of years have enabled him to author Bradt Travel Guides’ Venezuela edition J

Read more about Russell’s adventures at

Rona Cant in the second half of the afternoon gave the audience quite a different talk…Rona came to adventure travel later in life but since undertaking the BT Global Challenge Round the World Yacht Race, she has changed her outlook on her life & career.  Rona is convinced the she and many other people can benefit from the positive energy that independent travel can create.  Read more for yourself at Rona’s web site –

The London branch’s future meetings are detailed at London Meeting Programme.  

London meetings are held at The Church of Scotland, Crown Court, behind the Fortune Theatre in Covent Garden at 2.30pm the first Saturday of each month, unless there is a UK public holiday that weekend.

There is no London meeting in August, but we start afresh each September.

For more information, contact the Globetrotters Info line on +44 (0) 20 7193 2586, or visit the web site:

Write in (1) …Home Exchange – the holiday alternative? by Brian Luckhurst

Home Exchanging or Home Swapping is when you agree to swap homes, and often cars, with someone; you stay in their home and they stay in yours, without any money changing hands. It is such an economical way to holiday and such an exciting way to travel, to experience other cultures and see other countries differently, through local eyes, not as a tourist.  Home and Hospitality Exchange for holidays is not a new idea, indeed it was started in the 1950s by some teachers, however more and more of us, from all walks of life, are now doing it, not least to save money in these financially difficult times.

Not surprisingly, we seniors, baby boomers, silver surfers (whatever name we are given) are becoming great fans of Home Exchanging. We tend to be more flexible on dates with more free time available, we don’t normally have to worry about school holidays as we are often empty nesters, and cost savings are very important to us. I also think we are of an age when we like the idea of seeing things from a different perspective, we no longer like being seen just as tourists and often prefer to live more like a local when on holiday.

My wife was horrified when I first mentioned Home Exchanging, “I can’t have someone staying in my house, anyway who would want to, it needs too much doing to it” or words to that effect. She wasn’t worried about the security or privacy aspect, simply, that our house wasn’t smart enough to let others stay in it.  Many potential exchangers have similar thoughts, with others having more concerns over the security aspect of having strangers staying in their home, which to a degree is understandable, but don’t forget you are staying in theirs. Which is better, leaving your home empty whilst you are away on holiday or having someone staying in it and looking after it as if it were their own?

Home Exchange is built around trust. Trust in those you exchange with to describe their home and location honestly and trust that, when they visit, they don’t damage your home and belongings. Home Exchange is often the beginning of lasting friendships which are built around this trust.  Home Exchanging can take several forms. A traditional Home Exchange is when you exchange homes at the same time. A non-simultaneous exchange, which can offer more flexibility, is when one or both of you have alternative accommodation, often a second home, meaning the dates for the exchange do not have to link and the exchange happens at different times for each party. One exchange takes place in the holiday home whilst the owner remains in the main residence, and then that owner visits the exchange partner’s property at a later and more convenient time.

Hospitality Exchange is the third type and this is when you take turns staying as guests in each other’s homes. This form of exchange appeals to those who are used to entertaining and I think works particularly well for singles, who are often worried about travelling alone in a different city or country and it also helps to avoid the dreaded supplements that single travellers often have to endure. Providing space and the number of bedrooms aren’t an issue, you may also consider Hospitality Exchange if you have someone else staying at home, like a lodger or older offspring, where a traditional exchange may not be appropriate as you can’t provide an empty home.

It is normal and good practice when exchanging to leave a welcome pack with lots of interesting information about the property but, more especially about the area and what can be done and seen locally, where to shop and eat, some exchangers even arrange for the neighbours to pop in to introduce themselves. Often with Hospitality Exchanges this local info is taken to the next stage with the home partner acting as a local tourist guide taking you sightseeing, for a meal out and even perhaps for a round of golf at their club.

Home Exchange – what are the benefits? Saving money is the obvious benefit – with no accommodation costs, the savings can be substantial. Imagine how much more you will have to spend by not paying hotel bills or villa rental! Other major savings can be achieved by swapping cars, sports equipment and even boats, by not having to dine out every night, even by playing as a guest at your host’s sports/golf club.

You have the freedom to do what you want, when you want, armed with the more intimate local knowledge from your exchange partner rather than just a guide book.

Well, is Home Exchanging for you? Why not try it and see? Once you have tried it, I am sure you will want to do it again.

Although our website is still ‘young’, we have members around the world in 35 different countries. However, in order to give our members as wide a choice as possible, we are currently offering free annual subscription. Please visit our website and join us today – it’s FREE.

Brian Luckhurst –

November meeting news from the Chester, UK branch by Hanna, Angela & Eve

Hello to everyone again,

It is 2 years ago this coming meeting that we started the Chester Branch of Globetrotters!!!  (Happy Birthday & congratulations – The Ant J)

We would like to send you an early reminder again for our next meeting of Globetrotters, which will be on Saturday the 19th of November in the Grosvenor Museum in Chester, starting as usual at 1.30pm.  The talks look very exciting again:-

· the first talk is by Don & Eve who will be telling us about their time in Cambodia in Impressions of Cambodia after Pol Pot

· the second talk is about a journey through Europe by boat by Derek Brown, entitled Travels around Europe by boat

We will have our usual refreshments in the interval where everyone can meet up and have a chat again.

Don’t forget we now also meet in the Bear & Billet pub (very close to the museum…read for more details, after the meeting for a drink & another good natter.  We usually book a table upstairs and as it was quite successful last time, we will have to book a couple of tables more for November.

You can always get in touch if you have any ideas for future talks, we will need to fill a few more dates for next year again and if you aren’t sure on how to go about it, we can always help you get started with a presentation.

We look forward to seeing you all again on Saturday the 19th of November !


Hanna, Angela and Eve

Chester meetings are held at The Grosvenor Museum, 25 – 27 Grosvener Street, Chester, CH1 2DD.

Tickets £3 including refreshments.

For more information contact Angela, Hanna or Eve for further information of this & future events at Chester via email at

Meeting news from the Ontario, Canada branch

Tentative future presentations:

  • Fri., Nov. 18 – “Guatemalawith Horizons of Friendship” by Bruce Weber along with “Studying inAntigua,Guatemala” by Ilse Cloer

Ontario meetings are held at 8.00pm on the third Friday of January, March, May (4th Friday), September and November, at Old York Tower, 85 The Esplanade, in downtown Toronto.

Everyone welcome especially visiting travellers J

For more information contact Svatka Hermanek at, Bruce Weber at / on tel. 416 203-0911 or Paul Webb on tel. 416 694-8259.

Write in (3) …Is there a definitive list of worldwide travel clubs ?, as asked by The Ant

Putting together this eNewsletter, I wanted to explore travel clubs around the world, that like Globetrotters promoted independent travel for independent travellers.  And so far I have to admit I’m struggling and need your help.  Can you tell me about any travel clubs you know of and we can learn more about them (magazines, web sites, meetings etc.) ? Thus far I’ve come up with the following organisations who represent something similar to GTs:-

· – Austrian travel club has been a travel community since at least 1996

· https://globetrotter.org – German Globetrotters club, has been holding active meetings since publishing the “Trotter” magazine since 1974

· – venerable Swiss Travel Club

Write in (2)…the travel world of Mac

This time round Mac lists the “Top 25 Places to Live by Seasoned Travelers”.

I’m not entirely sure of Mac’s source or criteria but it is very interesting range of locations…see what you think – maybe you have stories to tell of these locations 🙂 The Ant

  • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • Bangkok, Thailand
  • Bolgatanga, Ghana
  • Boquete, Panama
  • Chiang Mai, Thailand
  • Cusco, Peru
  • Fiji
  • Goa, India
  • Hampi, India
  • Iquito, Peru
  • Kathmandu, Nepal
  • Lago Atitlan, Guatemala
  • Lome, Togo
  • Luang Prabang, Laos
  • Montañitas, Ecuador
  • Medellin, Colombia
  • Mendoza, Argentina
  • Nanyuki, Kenya
  • Pohkara, Nepal
  • Riga, Latvia
  • San Cristobal las Casas, Mexico
  • Sihanoukville, Cambodia
  • Ulam Batar – Mongolia
  • Sosua, Dominican Republic
  • Xela, Guatemala
  • Awasa, Ethiopia
  • Cape, Coast Ghana

World travel news

Spotted by Matt Doughty on the BBC:-

  • ** Veg oil truck makes world journey **A truck rescued from the scrap heap is about to complete a round-the-world journey – powered by waste vegetable oil.Read more details at
  • Spotted also by Matt Doughty – the latest news about the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Travelling Fellowships…
  • ·Greetings from Bike the Earth:- Dear GlobetrottersWonderful to get your news as we are in mid Australia on BIKE THE EARTH –   (Please check out at least the first page of our website).We have done 3500 km, connecting communities, inspiring initiatives, on ABC Television, on the radio, and in the media, with some great testimonials for the work we are

    Warm wishes for the Christmas season!

    Regards Chris Le Breton

Write for the eNewsletter

If you enjoy writing & travelling, why not write for the free Globetrotters eNewsletter ! The Ant would love to hear from you: your travel stories, anecdotes, jokes, questions, hints and tips, or your hometown or somewhere of special interest to you. Over 15,000 people currently subscribe to the Globetrotter eNewsletter.

Email The Ant at with your travel experiences / hints & tips / questions. Your article should be approximately 1000 words, feature up to 3 or 4 jpeg photos and introduce yourself with a couple of sentences and a contact e-mail address.

GT Travel Award

In case you have not heard, the club has recently announced two new winners of the GT Travel Award over the summer:-

  • Hilary Clark – “…with her Beyond Tango trip, which she’ll taking in Argentina from April to May next year.  My adventure starts in Buenos Aires to learn more about the history of tango…”
  • Nick Hunt – “…exploration is in the footsteps of Patrick Leigh Fermor…Nick will be setting of in December for a year…across Europe from Holland to Istanbul.”
  • Both Hilary & Nick will return from their travels and recount their adventures to the London branch at some point in the future.  We wish them every success…

    What is the award ?

    Are you inspired by all this talk of travel ?

    Are you ready for you own independent adventure ?

    Or do you know someone who could benefit from a helping hand into the wider world ?

    Each year the club offers up to two £1,000 awards to give out for the best independent travel plan, as judged by the club’s Committee.

    The deadline to receive applications for the next award is 31 October 2011.

    See the legacy page on the club’s web site for more details, where you can review previous winners’ trips and/or apply with your plans for a totally independent, travel trip.

    If your idea catches our eye we’ll take a closer look at what you’re proposing and give you feedback & maybe a helping hand on your journey of a lifetime !!

GT Travel Award

Are you inspired by all this talk of travel ?

Are you ready for you own independent adventure?

Or do you know someone who could benefit from a helping hand into the wider world?

What is the award ?

Each year the club offers up to two £1,000 awards to give out for the best independent travel plan, as judged by the club’s Committee.

The deadline to receive applications for the next award is 31 October 2011.

See the legacy page on the club’s web site for more details, where you can review previous winners’ trips and/or apply with your plans for a totally independent, travel trip.

If your idea catches our eye we’ll take a closer look at what you’re proposing and give you feedback & maybe a helping hand on your journey of a lifetime!!

World travel news

Spotted by Matt Doughty on TravelMole:-

“New York named as ‘endangered destination’. 

You might be wondering what New York, Riga in Latvia, the island of Madagascar and Beijing’s historic hutongs have in common, but they are all on an endangered destinations lists.”  Read more at

Received by The Ant from Avalon Travel Publishing:-

“Avalon Travel has released the eBook editions of Moon Fiji and Moon Tahiti, the leading travel guidebooks to the South Pacific. They are now available in the Kindle store at Amazon, in the Nook store at, on the Kobo at Borders, on iTunes for the Apple iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, and at the Sony Reader store.”  Read more at

From Matt Doughty again via the BBC:-

** Pair in 14-day isle hop challenge **.  Two men from Edinburgh are aiming to visit as many Scottish islands as they can in the space of two weeks.  Read more at


Write in (4)…Portobelloland by Tony Annis

Long term, active traveller & member Tony has come up with a novel idea – a web site giving an insiders’ point of view on his native Portobello home & surroundings in London !  Those who know Tony, realise that it won’t be the bland, safe view of London that is presented officially…it’s aiming to be a fully-fledged experience of what is worth enjoying, whether you’re a local or a visitor 🙂

Tony has used his experience in TV & socialising to come up with a different perspective on how show what London life could be about and what is worth making an effort to seek out.

Tony’s web site can be found at – browse away & send him your feedback, questions & comments…he’s waiting to hear from you 🙂

Welcome to eNewsletter August 2011…

Hello all,

From a sunny, summery London J  Amidst Royal weddings, Olympic preparations & numerous big issues in the worlds of politics & finance, Globetrotters and friends are still managing to enjoy travel…  We in this edition of the eNewsletter talk about Croatia, Mac’s World, Mike Shawcross OBE, Portobelloland and what’s been happening in the UK based branches of the Globetrotters Club.  An eclectic mix and you’d be very correct…read on & find out how so !

What else is happening across the wider travel world ?

  • “Outside Lands” music festival in San Francisco, USA features a host of acts in a top location close to the Golden Gate Bridge…see
  • Slow Food Cheese Festival in Bra, Italy for those passionate about eating good quality food – see
  • UK newspaper “The Daily Telegraph” has a range of travel related competitions that readers might want to enter…see for more details.  Good luck J
  • London’s Mayor is again holding the Thames Festival this year, September 2011, and details of this “one of London’s best” can be found at
  • Follow the progress of the “It’s on the meter team” and their round the world journey by London taxi at
  • Follows the progress of Sarah Outen’s “London2London” adventure at

That’s all for now, enjoy the read and keep sending me more of your stories, adventures and articles J

The Ant

July meeting news from the Chester, UK branch by Hanna, Angela & Eve

The first of our two talks was given by Jill Nash, of Luxury Backpackers, entitled THE AMALFI COAST, FROM PIAZZAS TO PIZZAS. Jill is now also a travel writer and married to an Italian and spends part of her year in the UK and the remainder in Italy, the Amalfi coast being her second home.  The talk took us along the coast from Pompeii, through Sorrento, Positano and Ravello to Amalfi and also Capri and Ischia, this area of the Italian coastline now being a Unesco Heritage area. Jill then dwelt on Italian lifestyle – the importance of family life, food, wine and culture, particularly the food and wine! All our appetites were wetted with the mention of melizani parmigiana, gnocchi, gelato, and San Marco (the local wine) and limoncello, the lemon liquor.

“Our reward” – refreshments of tea, coffee and biscuits!

Following our refreshment break, and in stark contrast, our second talk was given by Sarah Hoyle, was her “walk” along THE INCA TRAIL. Sarah, a nurse manager at the Countess of Chester Hospital, did her rigorous trek for charity to give aid to the Kisiizi Hospital in Uganda, with whom she has become associated. She undertook the trek along with her son and his friend, (who she coerced into the challenge) firstly visiting Lima and Cusco, then walking the trail over 4 days.  We saw the beauty of Cusco Cathedral, followed by the Irabamba river up to Aguas Calientas, walked through the Sacred Valley, and climbed up to Machu Pichu. Again we shared Sarah’s camping experiences and wonderful food prepared by the porters, but all from the comfort of our venue in Chester. A fantastic feat on Sarah’s part in raising money for the Kisiizi Hospital

This was an excellent meeting, with two totally contrasting speakers which we all thoroughly enjoyed. Our Chester group is now growing in numbers, and we are seeing a core of regular members who are very enthusiastic.

Our next meeting is on 17th September. – Make a diary note! Topics are –

  • “THE NORTHERN LIGHTS EXPERIENCE” – by Nigel Bradbury, who has worked with the BBC Sky at Night team and also Jodrell Bank Observatory.

Report compiled by Eve MacPherson, now one of the Chester Globetrotters Team

Chester meetings are held at The Grosvenor Museum, 25 – 27 Grosvener Street, Chester, CH1 2DD.

Tickets £3 including refreshments.

For more information contact Angela, Hanna or Eve for further information of this & future events at Chester via email at